Don't blame Obama, blame the Jews

Regardless of new polls and such allegedly showing "shock" and "rage," I have no doubt that at least 70% of the above will support the messiah again anyway in 2012. They'll make up for it, in their own minds, by writing a bigger check to the Jewish National Fund, ARMDI, Hadassah, or such. Or maybe even a trip to Israel will be in the cards.Read the whole thing.
But let's not lie about this.
Save the rage for those same folks who will vote for Obama yet again--despite the nightmare that has already emerged. And just imagine what will happen after 2012 when he has nothing to lose since he can't run for the presidency again...
No, despite the cowards who can't own up to what they themselves did, whatever President Obama's sins are, he can't be faulted regarding honesty about his intentions in the Middle East.
The few of us who tried to sound a warning were all labeled right wing extremists and such by the majority.
Today, Hebrew Lefties are still complaining about Dubya, the guy who gave Israel those two key letters (as if he was Obama's opponent and not McCain), and are focusing upon Alaska's Sarah's imperfections...just in case; i.e., anything but coming to grips with the fact that they did much to elect, to the most powerful office on Earth, a virulently anti-Israel leader and probable anti-Semite to boot. And I use that latter term very carefully. While respectfully taking off his shoes before entering mosques, Obama couldn't even put a kipa (skullcap) on his head as a sign of humility before G-d at the Passover Seder he recently staged for his own Jew Boys.
That so many Jews refused to see or listen to what really counted prior to November 2008--and willingly allowed themselves to be thrown some timely bones instead--only shows that, regardless of how far they think they have come, they are still stuck in the ghetto, prostrating and falling all over themselves to gain acceptance and to see who will be allowed to be counted among the Court Jews.
I was warning about Obama on this blog in 2007 and was one of the first to compare him to the Peanut Farmer from Plains in January 2008. How many of you Jews who have been reading this blog for that long listened and voted for McCain? How many of you voted for Obama anyway and how many of you will do it again in 2012? What could go wrong?
Labels: Barack Hussein Obama, Campaign 2012
This man is correct. We are lucky to have Christian groups like CUFI in the US to balance these Jewicidals(as Pam Geller calls them!)
Those White House Seders are progressive resets of the biblical Exodus as an Underground Railroad meme about resisting oppression. So the lack of a kipa isn't surprising. Next year, who knows? Maybe they'll don keffiyahs.
this british aka. kenyan gentleman has no place in the white house
I don't think you can blame "the Jews" for Obama's views. The marxist left has been against Israel and the U.S. forever. So, you can blame the marxist left, whose views hold sway with many U.S. Jews more than, say, the Torah's outlined social system. It is their leftism, not their Judaism, which keeps them glommed onto the marxist caliphate enterprise. So, Mr. Honigman, even if the Jews were deleted from Obama's equation, he would still attack Israel with his friends Bill Ayers, Bernadine Dohrn, Code Pink, etc. and he would still support the caliphate people in Libya for his cousin/friend Odinga and al-Shabab. This thing is way bigger than "the Jews".
Maybe some of the poli sci experts could do some online Torah study modules showing how the marxism of people like Obama is different from the Torah's approach. You could, actually, fault some number of U.S. Jews for wanting to not be shunned by their communities rather than following such smart people as David Horowitz, Andrew Breitbart, David Mamet, and other into life-affirming attitudes...
Voted for McCain (While holding my nose. ). Won't ever vote Donkeycrat again!
Funny about these polls. No one I know voted for him. Or will!
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