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Wednesday, May 04, 2011

Walla! Negative article on J Street disappears

Sorry for the longer than anticipated break. I went to a Bar Mitzva out of town, got home later than expected, and am still trying to work too.

The J Street delegation that is currently in Israel met with Israel's chief space cadet President Shimon Peres on Monday and were told that their activities hurt Israel. The story was posted on Walla. And then it disappeared.
According to one news account, J Street even received a chilly reception from President Shimon Peres, Israel's leading peacenik. The Walla Internet site reported, The President met yesterday with representatives of the American Jewish lobby and told them, 'As president I don’t like the way in which you are working,' Walla News learned. The story continued, "that while Peres agreed to meet the heads of the controversial lobby in Israel, in the course of the meeting he sharply criticized their methods of action. According to the president some of their activity causes the delegitimization of Israel."

Wow, that's a megaton put-down, if there ever was one, and coming from one of Israel's leading doves, too.

No wonder, then, someone worked very hard to remove the story from the Walla site. But a screen capture appears on this page.

Three hours later a new story appeared on Walla presenting J Street's side of the story and adding a statement from President Peres' office saying that the meeting took place on "tranquil waters." But somehow the truth wiggled out, and the story's subhead retained elements of the tension between J Street and Peres.
Read the whole thing.

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At 3:46 AM, Blogger Marvin said...

J Street is making inroads into the Jewish mainstream wherever they exist. They are insidious in their nature by claiming to be "Pro-Israel" and are now using specific Reform Temples in South Florida as their meeting place with the blessing of the rabbi. Beware of these imposters who say they love Israel. Sounds like they love the Palis more and would rather see the Israeli Jews die than to insult a Pali.


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