'Naqba day': The terror begins
In Tel Aviv, a truck driver hit several cars and fled the scene. At least one person is dead. More details to follow.UPDATE 10:18 PM
Israel Radio reporting 1 dead 9 injured.
Truck driver an Arab who was caught, claims he had a flat tire, but police say that what they found in the area does not support that claim.
The terror attack (which is not officially being called that yet) is in the south Tel Aviv HaTikva neighborhood.
The 22-year old driver (an 'Israeli Arab' from Kafr Kassem) hit cars over a 2-kilometer route.
The police are now investigating whether it was a terror attack (ha!).
Two kilometers is an awfully long distance to drive on a 'flat tire' even if there was one.

Paramedic being interviewed on Israel Radio says it continues for a kilometer and a half (about a mile). Many injured other than the person killed. Israel reported nine injured, but paramedic says at least 13 people were treated, which is what they treated. Mostly light injuries. All 13 that they treated were lightly injured. Israel Radio continuing to pretend this isn't a terror attack, but paramedic says he wouldn't even ask the question - it absolutely does not look like an accident. An accident doesn't go on for that long.
JPost now reporting 15 injured.
Israel Radio now reporting two of those injured in serious condition.
The truck also hit a bus. The person who was killed was a woman (link in Hebrew only).
The attack took place at 9:35 am, about one hour ago.
Here's raw video from the aftermath.
Let's go to the videotape.
JPost reports that the person who was killed was a 40-year old man.
"We heard terrible slamming behind us in the car -- boom, and another boom and another boom -- until it reached us, and we simply flew up in the air," a witness, identified only as Yossi, said on Army Radio.But just give them their 'state' and they'll leave us alone in ours.... Right.....
"He went on and crashed into a bus. He got out and began to go crazy, throwing things at people. There was this poor innocent girl -- he struck her on the head. She just fell down, and now people are treating her. What can I tell you? A terrorist attack."
Labels: Palestinian terrorism, Tel Aviv
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