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Friday, May 06, 2011

Ground after Passover

Once again I was out longer than expected.... I went to a Bar Mitzva, and volunteered to drive home all the boy's gifts and the leftover food. It filled my Mitsubishi minibus (which by the way is for sale).

Anyway, after Passover, we aren't allowed to eat leavened products that were owned by a Jew during Passover. So typically you see notices here on flour, breads, cakes, cookies etc. that the wheat was ground into flour after Passover.

Here's one such notice I saw today (Hat Tip: Daniel R).

And with that I will go find some real things to post.

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At 7:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nitchan Le'Achar Ha'Pesach has zero/zippo/zilch/nada foundation in established Halachah.

But it makes good money for some food producers.


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