Tony Blair to jump on 'Palestinians are ready' bandwagon

A copy seen by The Times concludes: "It is clear that since 2007 the PA [Palestinian Authority] has greatly enhanced its capability to govern and to deliver services ... if the PA maintains its performance in institution-building and delivery of public services, it is wellpositioned for the establishment of a state in the near future."They're able to govern a 'state' with massive amounts of foreign aid. They're not willing to live in peace with their neighbors, and continue to incite against Israel in their official media and in their schools. And they represent - at best - half of their 'people.'
Mr Blair told The Times: "Palestinian state-building under the Palestinian Authority and [Salam] Fayyad [the Palestinian Prime Minister] is a bright light among a lot of diplomatic darkness. It shows what can be done; how the Palestinians are able to govern a state and therefore the vital importance of re-energising the political process. Palestinian state-building is also an important factor in addressing Israel's real security concerns."
What could go wrong?
Labels: Fatah, Hamas, Palestinian incitement, Palestinian state RIGHT NOW syndrome, Tony Blair
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