'Palestinian' textbooks continue to incite against Israel, Jews

The Institute for Monitoring Peace and Cultural Tolerance in School Education (IMPACT-SE), which reviews textbooks from Israel, the Arab world and Iran, unveiled its 2011 report on PA school textbooks in a briefing with journalists at the headquarters of MediaCentral, in Jerusalem.Read the whole thing.
While respect for the environment and sustainable energy resources are taught to Palestinian students, IMPACT-SE found that textbooks blame Israel for all environmental problems.
“There is generally a total denial of the existence of Israel – and if there is an Israeli presence it is usually extremely negative,” said Eldad Pardo, an IMPACT-SE board member, and head of the organization’s Palestinian textbook research group. “For the next generation, there is no education at all about collaboration and no information about the many collaborations that already exist between Israelis and Palestinians in environmental and other areas.”
In geography textbooks, Israel usually does not appear in maps of the Middle East, instead “Palestine” is shown to encompass Israel, the West Bank and the Gaza Strip. Jaffa is also shown on maps of Palestine, but Tel Aviv and other predominantly Jewish cities, such as Ramat Gan, kibbutzim and moshavim, are not displayed.
One of the Palestinian textbooks reviewed by IMPACT-SE, History of Ancient Civilization, published in 2009 and used to teach fifth-graders, states that the Levant consists of the states of Palestine, Jordan, Lebanon and Syria. Israel is not mentioned.
Other textbooks read for the study asked students to “color the Negev Desert on the map of Palestine,” and to solve the following mathematical word problem: “An independent Palestinian state was declared in 1988. How many years have passed since the declaration of independence?”
Another textbook included a map of the Old City of Jerusalem – which did not contain the Jewish Quarter. Meanwhile, in an additional example, a textbook printed a British Mandate postage stamp, but erased the Hebrew inscription “Palestine: The Land of Israel” that appeared on the original.
In addition, some textbooks described the Canaanites as an Arabic-speaking people whose land was stolen by Jews, and stated that Jews came from Europe to steal Palestine after the British conquered it in 1917.
IMPACT-SE noted many Palestinian textbooks included references to a ribat, an outpost on the borders of Muslim territories where wars against infidels occur. A 12thgrade Islamic education textbook, published in 2010, tells students that “the people of the Levant in general, and in Palestine in particular,” are in a state of ribat until the day of resurrection.
Pardo said that while there are some positive developments in the Palestinian educational system, such as emphases on democratic values and respect for women, elders and authority – no Israeli is depicted as a friend or partner. Furthermore, the Oslo Accords are rarely mentioned, and political agreements in general are presented as resulting from Arab and Muslim weakness.
“A textbook is the result of a policy – something created by a committee and a formal product of an entity – and this policy is creating public opinion and the public mind of the coming generation,” said Shelley Shandor Elkayam, CEO of IMPACT-SE. “The whole Talmud is based on the Jewish philosophy that the other is more interesting than yourself. You have to care about what others say. The Tunisians accept this and they teach it to their students. The PA definitely should reach that point one day, and it is up to us to bring them to this realization.”
According to IMPACT-SE, which will release a report on Israeli textbooks in July, the bulk of funding for PA textbooks and other initiatives comes from the EU. Most US aid for Middle Eastern education goes to Egypt, but some also goes to the PA.
Isn't it funny how this sort of thing never gets mentioned in discussions of whether the 'Palestinians' are ready for a 'state'?
Labels: Palestinian education to hatred, Palestinian incitement, Palestinian textbooks
Not mentioned because in their heart of hearts it's one big אז מה for the nations. So it better be a big so what deal for Netanyahu but the same old problems remain. Bibi wants to maintain a strategic security veto outside the armistice lines but he wants to stay physically, geographically, on the ground, out of Gaza and out of Areas A and B--he and the policy making elite do not want to go back in at all, so they provide breathing room for autonomous Hamas and Fatah statelets relying on the blockade and security input in B and the lever of Area C.
But the Western (and Russian and Chinese) default position is to go with the Hamas and Fatah flow, ignore incitement, ignore the day after, ignore Bibi's security parameters, dismantle Israeli security control in Fatahland, A, B, C--no matter and find some way to give this to a blockade-less Hamas-Fatah entente. ASAP. Plus their heads tell them not to trust the Arabs but their hearts just don't like Jews.
Like I said in a previous post, How do you make peace with a people that think this way?
Hear what Ambassador Alan Baker has to say about the issue of incitement in this clip made by the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs: http://www.youtube.com/user/TheJerusalemCenter#p/u/0/mBLEdE90ICk
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