'Palestinian' support for terror attacks drops?

The survey conducted by the Jerusalem Media and Communication Centre found that support for Palestinian "military operations of any kind' against Israel fell from 53.3 percent in January 2009 to 37.1 percent in April of this year.Please note that they're not saying it's wrong to target Israeli civilians - only that it's not helpful to the 'Palestinian' cause.
Palestinians also showed less support for the firing of rockets from Gaza into Israel, with 25.4 percent saying they believed the rockets "are useful in achieving the national goals," down from 50.8 percent in January 2009.
In Gaza, respondents felt more strongly than their West Bank counterparts that the rocket fire was harmful, with 41.5 percent saying the rockets harmed "Palestinian goals" as compared to 36.8 percent in the West Bank.
Support for suicide bombing also fell, according to the survey, which polled Palestinians in both the West Bank and Gaza.
The poll found support for attacks on Israeli civilians had fallen to 37.3 percent from 55.4 percent in January 2009, although there was a clear divide between residents of the West Bank and Gaza on the issue.
In Gaza, 57.3 percent of those surveyed expressed some level of support for suicide bombings targeting Israeli civilians, while 42.6 percent said they were strongly or somewhat opposed to such operations.
In the West Bank, 25.3 percent of respondents said they strongly or somewhat supported suicide attacks targeting Israeli civilians, while 65.7 percent expressed opposition to such attacks.
And to think only one out of four people in Judea and Samaria wants to randomly murder Israeli civilians. What could go wrong?
Labels: Palestinian terrorism, two-state solution
The statistics don't matter... what we have is a society incapable of grasping such a thing as right and wrong. And until they do, peace is impossible. The more real life reality is they will murder Jews when they think can get away with it.
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