Donors to 'Palestinians' condemn Gaza flotillas, unilateral moves

The donor states to the Palestinian Authority, which held a conference last week in Brussels, condemned in its concluding statement uncoordinated aid flotillas to Gaza. The conference called on all parties to use land terminals to the Strip and avoid provocations. The statement is signed by the chairman of the conference, Norwegian Foreign Minister Jonas Gahr Store.So does that mean that these countries will vote against a unilateral declaration of 'statehood' in the UN? Don't bet on it.
The concluding statement endorsed the opinion of the United Nations special coordinator on the peace process in the Middle East, Robert Serry, the opinion of the World Bank and of the International Monetary Fund, all of which praised the effective operation of the Palestinian Authority in various fields and determined that the authority was above the bar of a functioning state in these areas. The donor states voiced a commitment to the vision of establishing an independent, sovereign and democratic Palestinian state, to exist peacefully and securely alongside Israel.
The statement emphasized that this goal should be obtained by negotiations to end the conflict, in line with the Bush administration road map from 2002, without mentioning the possibility of a PA unilateral declaration of independence.
Labels: flotilla, Mavi Marmara, Palestinian Authority donors, Palestinian state RIGHT NOW syndrome, unilateral declaration of statehood
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