More than a useful idiot

Here are some more facts I managed to glean from the posts of others, most of whom were not up doing Securities Act filings at 3:00 am (yes, that's what I was doing last night).
Elder of Ziyon reports that the name of the group that kidnapped Arrigoni is Tawhid wal-Jihad.
Aussie Dave has several videos of Arrigoni - unfortunately all in Italian with no English translation.
Each of them points to this blog post in Italian from three months ago in which Arrigoni criticizes French Foreign Minister Michele Alliot-Marie for expressing solidarity with kidnapped IDF Corporal Gilad Shalit (who is also a French citizen). There's also this post from Arrigoni's blog (this time in Google translate) in which - irony of ironies - he is most unsympathetic to Shalit's plight.
Honest Reporting reports that the ISM acknowledged that Arrigoni is one of their 'activists' (and asked that his name not be used!).
But to really see how virulently anti-Israel Arrigoni was, look at this blog post (which has English translation) written during Operation Cast Lead, and at his Facebook page, which unfortunately seems to be 'liked' by thousands of heirs of Benito Mussolini. You will find complete and unvarnished hate for Israel. (By the way, for those who click through to the blog post, you can find the true story of the Fakhura school here and here).
And one more from the irony department: Here's Arrigoni complaining (in English) that Israeli soldiers kidnapped him and wouldn't let him see a lawyer! He also complained about insects in his cell. I'll bet that he longed for that cell on Thursday.
While we don't have to celebrate the death of an enemy, I don't think there's much for Israelis to cry about here either. The guy clearly hated us.
Arrigoni is not the first Italian 'peace activist' to be murdered in Israel by 'Palestinian' terrorists. But the last one was mistaken for a Jew.
Labels: al-Qaeda, Hamas, International Solidarity Movement, Tawhid wal-Jihad, Vittorio Arrigoni
Carl, Carl, Carl - my friend - where's the International Brotherhood Of Anti-Semites?
Apparently distaste for the West trumps hatred of the Jews.
And oh - they'll still blame the Jooz.
What could go wrong indeed
Debka is suggesting he may have been killed for being a suspected spy. Is it possible? Yes, it's possible. Let us neither snicker nor mourn. Even if this turns out to be not true, people are led astray for reasons that are complex and unfathomable.
These extremist groups are constantly outflanking each other, sort of like the way the "pragmatist" Nazis (who wanted to work the Jews to death) were outflanked by the "purists" who insisted on sending them to the crematoria immediately
LIe down with dogs, wake up with fleas....oh wait, the dogs might kill you first....
Dear Carlo, I regret to see how nfinitesimally ridiculous and coward are your thoughts. How could you be so '"inhuman" saying that you are not sorry for a life that has been broken? Regardless of what Vittorio believed, if you arrive even think of that ...then I'm sorry but you are exactly like all those people that you despise: all the extremists in the world, whether Muslim ( that something good did too .. by the way, I wonder if something good was made by Jews?) I'm not anti-Semitic, I'm not anti-Muslim, I am "for", I am "with" and never against. Damn, we all are human being!! When have you lost your humanity??? Vittorio was fighting against this "HATE" which every one can feel by reading YOUR WORDS.
Men, You are the extremist. You are the idiot. You are a fool and disgusting old man. Shame on you! Piece of shit.
i'm afraid google translate didn't help you to understand the role of Vittorio Arrigoni here in Italy. Most of his supporters belong to the democratic left and anti-Berlusconi field. The most nazilike thing was a Facebook Group called "Risposta a Vittorio Arrigoni" (=in response to Vittorio Arrigoni) composed of homophobic right-wing sionists
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