Israel trying to stop next flotilla of fools by bargaining with itself

In recent weeks, Jerusalem has engaged in a large-scale diplomatic effort aimed at pressuring heads of states in countries from which ships are expected to sail, to discourage their citizens from taking part. The hope is that such an effort will head off a large-scale "sequel" to last year's flotilla. Furthermore, in the event that another military raid is called for, this time Israel wants to be able to claim that every possible effort was made to stop the ships peaceably.But unfortunately, Israel is also bargaining with itself by opening the Gaza border even more than it is already.
Among other officials, senior Israeli diplomats have initiated discussions with United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon, to persuade him to take steps to prevent the departure of the flotilla.
At the same time, security officials are discussing a possible relaxation of the siege on the Gaza Strip. The main advocate of such a move is Maj. Gen. Eitan Dangot, coordinator of government activities in the territories. He believes that loosening restrictions on the entry of goods would be an effective response to allegations that Israel is infringing the basic rights of Gaza residents, and would defuse many of the claims made by the flotilla organizers.All that's going to do is encourage them even more. After all, if they get something for nothing, imagine what they can get for something.
Israel should cut Gaza off completely until such time as Gilad Shalit is returned. And it should continue to maintain the naval blockade because we have seen even recently that attempts to smuggle weapons into Gaza continue.
Labels: flotilla, Gaza construction, Gaza electricity supply, Gaza plenty, Gaza water supply
This time, I hope the IDF will not board the boat(s), but instead will give them directions which will take them where they want them to go to offload cargo for inspection before delivery to Gaza. And any boat that doesn't follow instructions should be disabled with a rope in the prop or a slow leak (although then you have to pick up the rabid activists somehow), an EMP pulse to fry the electronics, something... Then (planning ahead as to innovative methods) tow them back to international water and let one of the "home countries" come get them. It will be hot and muggy out there, so if they just sit there to fry themselves to death, the IDF can just keep towing them to different spots.
My question still is whether President Barak Obama, while palling around with terrorists, is involved in fundraising or otherwise promoting this activity. He for sure is not stopping it. And what about the Logan Act - are Billy Ayers, Bernadine, whatshername at Code Pink... is it legal for them to be participating in attacks on allies?
Maybe this is a good job for Goldstone. Speak out against these machete monsters.
Stupid Jews.
Israel should tighten the blockade and allow in nothing.
If Hamas wants goods, it can pay for them in hard currency, beginning with the release of Gilad Shalit.
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