Great news: 'Thousands' of Islamists arriving in Egypt

Ibrahim Ali, an Egyptian lawyer who works with Islamist groups, has claimed that thousands of leading Islamists from around the world are preparing to return to Egypt in the next few days in light of the regime change. According to the Egyptian Al Masry Al Youm, Ali predicted that:What could go wrong?‘3000 leading figures of the Jama’a al-Islamyia and Egyptian Islamic Jihad groups will return to Egypt in a few days, as their names have been dropped from the “wanted” list maintained by Egyptian security forces.’The article then quotes Ali’s list of where the individuals are coming from, citing many countries well-known as breeding grounds for radical Islam – alongside London:‘They are coming back from Afghanistan, Chechnya, Bosnia, Somalia, Kenya, Iran and London’.
Labels: Arab democracy, Arab spring, Egyptian regime change, Egyptian-Israeli peace treaty, Islamic indoctrination
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