Please don't use Google Chrome for this site

That's rubbish.
I have already removed nearly all the blogrolls from this site because of past issues with Google Chrome. Honestly, I'm beginning to think it's spam mail. But I'm not removing anything else unless someone shows me a warning from a browser other than Google Chrome.
The latest statistics I have on browsers used to access this site (for the last week) show Internet Explorer (42%), Firefox (29%) Safari (12%) and Google Chrome in 4th place with 12%, and several others reaching 5%. That means 88% of the people accessing this site do not use Google Chrome and are not getting messages about malware.
I recommend strongly that you not use Google Chrome on this site. Use Firefox (which is what I use) or use IE (which I don't like but at least doesn't cause problems) and you won't get any malware because there is none on this site.
I just updated the settings to allow the pop-up window for comments. Comments welcome.
Labels: Firefox, Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, Safari
Don't have Chrome. Works just fine with FF and IE.
Also, AVG anti-virus gives your site a clean bill of health.
I never get any message like that... but that clock thing loads very slowly and I sometimes get the spinning rainbow while it loads. The thing I've been wanting here is some kind of comment/talkback plugin or whatever that would open the comments in a different box so I could keep my place on your main blog and not have to reload the clock. (I know, use a different browser. Plus, my mac is getting old; I don't have the new Intel processor on it.)
I use chrome and am getting the warnings. But I'm not heeding them, as you can see.;)
FF and Safari are painfully sloooowwww on this site. I have all ads, scripting and pops blocked.
Hi Carl.
Have no problems what so ever.
Also Norton gives you a clean bill of health!
Have a great week.
The new Firefox 4.0 is much faster than before and should win some people away from Chrome which is way behind FF in features.
Firfox 4.0 is the best build of the browser. Light on resources and opens web pages fast.
one criticism. widen the blog story and make the blog role thinner. any wider widgets put on the bottom or in the blog story margin. I've never had a problem, but I have always felt that your blog deserved a better showcase. No doubt I got to your blog first... why not make my trip nice?
Oh, wow! Thank you! This pop out window is FABULOUS! After a couple of weeks, please let us know whether you are getting more comments submitted. And we may get some back and forth discussions going... Very nice.
i use chrome, the page started popping up yesterday but there is a button that says "proceed anyways" that can get you through the "malware detected page"
it really is a good browser, and theres no use in stopping to use it, since you only need push one button to continue.
OK, so one more question... can your settings be that any link we click on ("read the whole thing" or any...) would open a new window rather than replacing your blog in the same window? Or do we do something like that from our end? I'm such a dolt on this... Because, same issue, it would be great to be clicking here and there on your links and not disrupt the window with your blog in it (and requiring it to reload when we want to go back to your site after clicking your links). Thx!
That's a setting you have to do in your own browser. Tools --> Options and then it depends what browser you're using.
I am technologically incompetent. I am still using the same template I started with five years ago because I am afraid of losing everything if I switch it.
OK I went looking... In safari, control-option-click opens the link in a new window. Also can just open a new tab, etc. Now I'm all set.
NoahDavidSimon, I agree with you that this blog is a treasure. I hope it is well backed up somewhere! I actually don't care much about formatting, but I'd like to read even more comments coming in on the posts. The posts are very educational and Carl I. Jerusalem presents them with such reason. And, when there are comments, sometimes they really widen my understanding of some different perspectives. That has a lasting effect.
I hate Firefox and Chrome equally, without prejudice. Now, I want to file a complaint with I'll sign off here now.
I use FF and I have an extension called NoScript, which not only shows you all the different scripts running on a web page, but it allows you to block them. I see no script on your website from -
I hate Chrome and got rid of it after about 2 days. Nothing to do with this site.
However, with IE8 I just found that your site loads much faster without the blog roll.
Carl, are you considering a link and/or button to take us to your blog roll? Or am I missing one?
I also find that the Elder of Ziyon and Yisrael Medad's sites load very slowly.
I reported to Carl before that I had malware warning in FireFox, as I don't have Chrome.
I use FF, and the only problem I have now is that when I load the page and search for a word on the page to try to find a particular post, I keep losing sight of the little green highlighted word, because as the page continues to load it moves my page view up to the top over and over again. Rather annoying. It used to load _very_ slowly, but as others have said, the new FF is faster. I think all of this is probably related. There's something about the page that was probably previously causing the slow loads, now causes the "pop-back," and is probably also causing the message on Chrome. This is a guess and I know nothing about Chrome. But this site has always been a bit odd in the sense of feeling slow or ponderous. I wonder if perhaps you just have too many widgets or something like that.
Lydia, you are correct Carl's site has to load 20 some scripts before the page is finished loading.
I suspect that it is some hack that is done by the other side. I don't know how a site is figured to be "bad" but I suspect it is "reported" to be so. I have seen many excellent sites that have had this problem. I am not sure it is the particular browser though it may be more sensitive to these warnings than others - perhaps since it is a google product. I would try to find out about it -- you would be doing our side a service to look into how this happens
One year ago Google Chrome did the same to my site and at the same time, had also listed approximately 4 other Conservative, pro-Israel blogs. It took me 3 days to get their "warning" removed; stripped my computer of almost everything useful, ran it through a new maleware program; but someone with more knowledge of computers than me noted that he thought it was Google Chrome being hacked somehow - not my computer(?). I removed Google Chrome and now use IE8 or Flock and I can reach your site, Carl, without any Chrome "warnings". I tried contacting Google Chrome and NEVER received a helpful response to my Complaint.
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