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Sunday, April 10, 2011

Europeans continue to support Goldstone Report

Robin Shepherd reports that despite the misgivings of the man whose name is on the report, the Goldstone Report is likely to continue its passage through the United Nations, with the support of the European Union.
One well-placed European diplomat told The Commentator on Saturday that all the signs this week from major European countries and from the United Nations itself suggested that hostility to the Jewish state remained so strong that even Goldstone’s remarkable comments, made in the Washington Post on April 1, could not stop the report’s momentum in its passage through UN bodies:

“Just look around you,” the diplomat said. “The messages from major European countries as well as what people are saying in the halls of the United Nations all indicate that this thing cannot be stopped.”

“The Europeans in particular are keen not to upset the Arab world at a time of turmoil and as several leading countries are involved in military actions in Libya.”


Despite this, the British Foreign Office said, in an exclusive to The Commentator last week, that it had no intention of calling for a withdrawal of the report since other “credible organisations” had corroborated Goldstone’s original allegations.

The Commentator has also learned that a very high ranking official in the German foreign ministry had been asked in Berlin on Thursday whether his country would now call for the withdrawal of the Goldstone Report and had pointedly refused to give any such assurance.
With all due respect to my European readers, your governments are a bunch of Jew-hating anti-Semites who have not changed much since the early 1940's. One can only wonder whether the Nazis will return to power in the next election in Germany, and whether the next Prime Minister in the UK will be a Muslim supporter of Sheikh Qaradawi.

What could go wrong?

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At 6:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, let's see how Europe and the right-to-protect appeasers in the American government react to the Libyan chickens coming home to roost--an Arab League referral to the UNSC of a no-fly zone over Gaza.


If the Arab League or the UN or the EU or, God forbid, the US wish to declare war against Israel on the side of an Islamist statelet, some pseudolegal right to protect argy bargy will not be an adequate smokescreen.

Hopefully, given the limited (legal) nature of IDF activity even the Jew-baiting EU, UN, and Powers wing of the US government will say no thanks to this installment of Arab League hypocritical and mendacious cowardice--though there are no shortage of EU, UN, and Obama mendaciously cowardly hypocrites dreaming of finding some way to declare rightful Israeli self-defense "criminal".

We can only hope that Bibi will stand on Israel's right of defense under international law to inform the UNSC that if hostilities continue in Gaza any planes getting between the IAF and its legally designated targets will be shot out of the sky. And that's before the reoccupation.

At 8:01 PM, Blogger Juniper in the Desert said...

You are absolutely right, "your governments are a bunch of Jew-hating anti-Semites who have not changed much since the early 1940's." They have not changed at all, in fact they can now be worse because it is acceptable to be anti-semitic. Cameron is a real freak: he called a journalist a f*cker for questioning one of his policies. The British upper classes are completely anti-semitic whether fascistic - Unity Mitford, Mosley or communistic, Tony Benn. The Jews in this country are silent as the grave, even our Chief Rabbi, Jonathan Sacks, blathers on about nothing on the BBC radio while hate speech and blood libels pour from mosques and groups of mozlems and leftards. Some leaders!


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