Alex Fishman gets it all wrong

But that's not all that Fishman gets wrong. Fishman credits Clinton with bringing Netanyahu down and implies that if Netanyahu challenges Obama, it will happen again. He couldn't be more wrong. Clinton played a role in making sure that Netanyahu lost the 1999 election after Israel's Right brought Netanyahu down - a mistake that is unlikely to happen again unless Netanyahu takes Fishman's advice and tries to give the store away. Clinton had a strong Labor party with a then-popular leader who could run against Netanyahu. Obama has Kadima and Tzipi Livni. But most of all, Clinton was the most popular US President in Israel whose name wasn't George W. Bush. Obama's negative numbers are comparable only to Carter and Eisenhower. In fact, they're the worst numbers an American President has ever had here. Obama is trusted by almost no one here whose name isn't Alex Fishman. If he campaigns for Livni, it will cause people to vote Netanyahu.
So do we believe what Fishman claims Netanyahu will present to the US Congress next month? Maybe. But Netanyahu is wily enough that you can bet there is something else up his sleeve. And you can bet that Eric Cantor and the other Republicans in the House will back him if he gets up in front of Congress and says he's not going to give anything except in direct negotiations.
What could go wrong?
Labels: Alex Fishman, Barack Obama, Bill Clinton, Binyamin Netanyahu
We can only hope Netanyahu doesn't proffer another round of unilateral concessions. For the past twenty years, Israel has been negotiating with itself over how much it can safely give up.
But you can sure whatever Netanyahu could offer next month will never be enough for the Palestinians. Whatever he might offer is not enough for them to consider making peace with Israel.
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