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Sunday, March 13, 2011

Why are they such savages?

What would make someone slaughter a three-month old baby? This article by Charles Krauthammer - written upon the 2001 murder of Koby Mandell and Yosef Ish Ran HY"D (may God avenge their blood) - provides some insight (Hat Tip: Soccer Dad). (This is from the first link).
This is not war. This is not even terrorism. This is bloodlust. It is savagery so grotesque that it might not have been believed had we not all seen that picture last fall on the cover of Time of the Palestinian, having just beaten to death the two Israeli reservists in Ramallah, exultantly holding out his blood-stained hands to the crowd in a gesture of triumph.

People are not born with bloodlust. They learn it. It is no mystery where the Palestinians have learned it.

For years Arafat's mini-police-state has been feeding his people the rawest Jew-hatred since the Third Reich. In television, radio, newspapers, and textbooks, Arafat has created the psychic infrastructure that sustains his endless war on Israel - and gives us the barbarism in the cave.
Nothing has changed since then.

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At 8:44 PM, Blogger NormanF said...

Exactly. The "diplomatic process" Israel is following whitewashes and denies the reality of Arab evil.

No one is really fooled. When you read the Torah, you learn Ishmael and his descendants, the Arabs are by nature, violent, lawless and savage and this is hidden only by a veneer of civilization.

When this veneer disappears, you are witness to unimaginable horror.

That is why peace with them is not difficult, it is truly impossible.


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