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Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Wafa Sultan explains the Religion of Rape to Bill O'Reilly

Here's another segment from Fox News you all should see. In this segment, Muslim apostate (that means that she left Islam) Wafa Sultan educates Bill O'Reilly about the Religion of Rape.

That would be Islam.

Let's go to the videotape (Hat Tip: Shosh).

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At 3:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

O'Reilly is willfully ignorant: "I find it hard to believe that the Prophet Mohammed..." The only reason he finds it hard to believe is that he's made a concerted effort to stay uninformed. What a tool!

At 12:27 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It isn't hard to understand Wafa Sultan's motivations. Follow the dollars in her case, and the fact that she speaks as a so called "ex Muslim" when she never was a Muslim. She is an Alawi, they are considered apostates in Islam because they associate other gods with the One God. They have the same status as Messianic Jews do in Judaism.

Syria is a secular country. Did Bill Reilly or anyone else check her Islamic credentials as an Alawi in a secular Syrian society heavily influenced by French culture?

At 12:27 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It isn't hard to understand Wafa Sultan's motivations. Follow the dollars in her case, and the fact that she speaks as a so called "ex Muslim" when she never was a Muslim. She is an Alawi, they are considered apostates in Islam because they associate other gods with the One God. They have the same status as Messianic Jews do in Judaism.

Syria is a secular country. Did Bill Reilly or anyone else check her Islamic credentials as an Alawi in a secular Syrian society heavily influenced by French culture?


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