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Friday, March 18, 2011

British bullies

The United States is not the only diaspora Jewish community where entrenched Leftists are using strong-arm tactics to bully their own communities and Israel. In the United Kingdom, United Jewish Israel Appeal (UJIA) head Mick Davis (pictured) has forced the withdrawal of a petition calling for his resignation by threatening to sue its creator, the Jewish Chronicle's longtime columnist Jonathan Hoffman.
Jonathan Hoffman, co-vice chairman of the Zionist Federation, set up the petition after Mr Davis criticised Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, encouraged the airing of moral concerns over Israeli policy and warned that Israel could become an apartheid state if a two-state solution failed to materialise.

Around 100 people had signed the petition, attacking the comments and pledging "not to donate a penny" to UJIA until he left his role.

On Sunday Mr Davis emailed Mr Hoffman to complain that the text of the petition gave an untrue version of his original comments by suggesting he believed anything short of a Palestinian state would amount to "apartheid". In the email he wrote: "Either frame your petition properly, accurately setting out my position, or take down your mischaracterisations. If you do not, I will sue to have them removed and for you to issue an appropriate apology. I will obviously donate any damages I receive to the UJIA."

In response, Mr Hoffman said: "Because Mick Davis has far deeper pockets than me, I have closed the petition to new signatories and have taken steps to take down the petition.

"How sickening that the man who wants 'a new global Jewish conversation' uses his financial muscle to close down legitimate criticism of his comments."
Read the whole thing.

I guess the Left uses the same tactics everywhere.

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At 6:00 PM, Blogger Juniper in the Desert said...

This is the very nasty Facebook page that the
Board of Deputies of British Jews
Britain-Israel Parliamentary Group
CiF Watch
Community Security Trust
Embassy of Israel
Holocaust Educational Trust
Jewish Council for Racial Equality
Jewish Socialists' Group
Jews for Justice for Palestinians
Lord Janner of Braunstone
Lord Levy
Love LSE, Hate Racism
Movement for Reform Judaism
StandWithUs UK
Union of Jewish Students

And some others have created against the English Defence Force, an anti-jihadist organisation in UK. There is a Jewish division. without bothering to find out more this group of left wingers - and I include the Israeli embassy, have sought to attack a group that is pro-Israel. Having met Jonathan Hoffman personally and found he is a truly decent person, he should not be surprised by the action of Mick Davis and the BBoD. Soon I will write a piece about the Jewish students of the LSE, the Israeli Embassy in London and the BBOD. I would not trust any of them with my safety or security.


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