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Wednesday, March 09, 2011

The BDS sewer system

This week (actually it's two weeks - from March 7-20) is 'Israel Apartheid Week' on college campuses around the world. 'Israel Apartheid Week' is designed to depict Israel as an apartheid state and to promote the BDS (boycott, divest, sanction) movement against Israel.

To help college students respond to 'Israel Apartheid Week,' NGO Monitor has mapped out the BDS sewer system (pictured above). Here are more details about it.
The “Sewer System” responds to the needs of Israel advocates, especially on college campuses, representatives from NGO Monitor said. “Students and faculty need accurate and relevant information to combat Israeli Apartheid Week and other delegitimization campaigns they face on campus,” says Prof. Gerald Steinberg, president of Jerusalem-based NGO Monitor, a research institution that tracks NGOs. “IAW essentially is a series of ‘mini-Durban’ events – based on the strategy adopted at the 2001 Durban Conference that exploits human rights language to isolate and demonize Israel. This “Sewer System” map details and explains the complex network of non-governmental organization (NGOs) and their funders that lead this campaign. Most importantly, it is a tool for students to demonstrate the illiberal and ‘anti-human rights’ nature of the movements they face on campus.”


The Sewer System analysis presents a visual, connecting network of pipes between funders, NGOs, and tactics that sustain the BDS movement, NGO Monitor explained. Explanations are provided for each aspect of the movement, including the Durban Strategy, the history of BDS, and how this information can effectively be used.

The graphic of the Sewer System depicts the European Union, various governments, foundations and religious charities as providing the incentives and funds for NGOs, who then spread their ideas through mainstream, fringe, unionized and church group outlets.

“In some instances, the funders share the anti-Israel political agendas of their grantees,” the literature reads. “In others, the governmental and private sources assign funds ostensibly to promote human rights, humanitarian aid, democracy and civil society. However, NGOs divert this support to bolster BDS activity and pursue their own political agendas. Due to an absence of strict guidelines, oversight, accountability and evaluations of decision making, the funding continues year after year.”
Read the whole thing.

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