Iran's Holocaust denial continues

A main memorial event will take place Thursday at the UN New York headquarters, and information centers in 63 different UN-member countries have received both written materials and documentaries on the Holocaust, surprisingly including centers in Tehran, Cairo and Beirut.But if you think that means anything has changed in Iran's attitude toward the Holocaust... think again.
In addition to receiving the multimedia materials, information center heads have undergone a special UN sponsored course in Berlin both to educate them in Holocaust history, as well as provide training in organizing their own local Holocaust memorial events.
Kimberly Mann, head of the Holocaust and United Nations Outreach Program, told Haaretz on Tuesday that Tehran, Cairo and Beirut are in fact amongst the major cities who received Holocaust education texts and films.
In advance of International Holocaust Remembrance Day, on January 27, several Iranian websites published articles denying the Holocaust. The website of the Iranian "Adolf Hitler Research Society" ( recently posted an undated article titled "A Reassessment of the Holocaust," claiming that photos documenting the Holocaust were doctored and forged by the Jews. Also, on January 26, 2011, the Iranian semi-official news agency Mehr published the first in a series of articles by French Holocaust denier Robert Faurisson, titled "Holocaust: The Historic Fraud."There's much more here.
The article on the website of the Iranian "Adolf Hitler Research Society" ( stated that Israel and the West are disseminating lies and forgeries regarding World War II and the Nazis' extermination of Jews. To prove its assertions, the website presents what it claims are doctored photographs, accompanied by detailed explanations.
The society's main website contains various pages devoted to Nazism, Hitler's life, the history of the Third Reich, and other topics. It also links to the society's other websites, including a news website (/ and an online bookstore (; the latter claims that it is against racism and is historical, not political, in nature.[1]
Labels: Holocaust denial, Holocaust Memorial Day, Iranian lies
As the cliché goes, history is repeating itself.
While they deny the Holocaust, their co-religionists are attempting to carry out ethnic cleansing through massacres and the like in Iraq, Egypt, Nigeria, Thailand, Philippines and many other places.
Just received this video of some traumatic testimony by Christians in Iraq. Note half way through the video she repeatedly mentions a 'Syrian man'.
What more evidence do we need?
The more things change, the more they remain the same...
They deny the Holocaust as an Orwellian double-think head fake to justify the Nazi Shoah and plan their own. They know all too well and situationally repress the brute truth that Holocaust denial is an outrageous pretext for rubbing salt in Jewish wounds while sharpening the knife. A possible therapeutic treatment would be, say, a medicinally strategic attack against Bushehr and Natanz, kind of reality shock therapy.
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