How the UN delegtimizes Israel

UN Middle East envoy Robert Serry did condemn the "firing of indiscriminate mortars and rockets by militant groups in Gaza at Israel which has escalated in recent days... These attacks are in clear violation of international humanitarian law and endanger civilians in Israel," he said in a statement. He noted that Israel has "a right to self-defense consistent with international humanitarian law" and urged Israel to exercise maximum restraint and "every precaution to ensure Israeli forces do not endanger civilians in Gaza."And they still wonder why we don't trust the UN.
This is "delegitimization"? It is delegitimization by weasel-word.
It was Israeli civilians who were attacked, but the UN was careful not to name or blame the attackers and only to limit and define the level of acceptable response by Israel. Where Israel said "terrorist attacks," Serry said "indiscriminate mortars and rockets." Where Israel said "the de facto authority in the Gaza Strip," (i.e., Hamas, which rules with an iron fist) Serry said, "militant groups." So while Israel calls Hamas responsible, Serry holds no one responsible. On the other hand, Serry urged maximum restraint by Israel and demanded "every precaution to ensure Israeli forces do not endanger civilians in Gaza." Only Israel is named and only Israel is told how to behave. If Israel doesn't exercise what the UN considers "maximum restraint," it surely can look forward to the next installment of the Goldstone Report.
This "yes, but..." understanding of Israel's position is a denial of the first obligation of a sovereign county - the protection of its population from outside attack. And the corresponding failure to name Israel's assailant is a free pass for Hamas.
Labels: Gaza, Robert Serry, United Nations
The real problem is the Israeli government's explanations sound a lot like apologies.
Israel should get out of the habit of justifying its every deed to the world. It owes no one an explanation for exercising its rights as a sovereign state.
What could go wrong indeed
My thoughts and prayers to the people of Southern Israel who have to endure this terror. It's a totally unacceptable state of affairs that no country should have to put up with.
God bless Israel.
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