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Tuesday, January 11, 2011

EU asked to grant political asylum to 'Palestinian' expelled from Jerusalem

The European Union has been asked to grant political asylum to a 'Palestinian' who has been expelled from Jerusalem by Israel.
East Jerusalem activist petitioned the European Union requesting to provide political asylum to the Palestinian activist Adnan Jith, who was expelled recently from Jerusalem by a Israeli military order.

The activists also asked that the EU demand Israel to stop chasing after political activists, send representatives to relevant court discussions and promote an international inquiry into the status of east Jerusalem.
I see the first paragraph as a win-win situation for us. If they don't grant him asylum, the Europeans are shown up as the hypocrites they are. If they do grant him asylum, maybe we can send them a few more.

What could go wrong?

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At 11:57 AM, Blogger NormanF said...

If he's exiled from the country, more can follow in his wake. Israel would be glad to have Europe take Palestinian activists off its hands.

A revival of deportations could just calm the violent atmosphere in Jerusalem.

At 10:44 PM, Blogger ais cotten19 said...

It's always fun to watch the Arabs and Europeans stumble through their ever deepening maze of lies and deception. They know full well why Europe won't take him, and they know that they know.


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