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Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Tom Friedman and friends: Sick of hearing about Israel

A senior official from the Israeli consulate in New York City was 'ambushed' by members of the New York Times editorial staff - including Tom Friedman - in what was supposed to be an off the record friendly chat (Hat Tip: Eliyahu P).
As the meeting started, the Times editors - most of them Jews, and one of them a former Israeli - began to attack the Israeli diplomat, and refused to give him even a moment to respond.

They blamed Israel for everything, the diplomat told Israel Today.

The Times editors insisted the breakdown of the peace process was Israel’s fault, that the lack of peace was Israel’s fault, and were adamant that Israel had given nothing to the Palestinians. They accused Israel of being an extremist and racist state, and blasted the diplomat for Israel’s “ill-treatment” of President Barack Obama.

In short, the Times staff informed the Israeli in no uncertain terms that they were sick of his country.

The diplomat told us he was shocked by the attack. He tried to respond, but the Times editors were not interested in hearing his arguments.

“I asked them,” said the diplomat, “We haven’t given the Palestinians anything? How can you say that? Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu broke with his party platform and implemented a 10-month Jewish building freeze, and what did we get in return? More Palestinian refusal to negotiate.”

According to the Israeli, the Times editors responded: “Yes, yes. Of course you are going to start telling us about how Israel’s security needs are not being met. You just don’t get it that we are sick of hearing about that.”

There is little doubt that this ambush was led by Friedman, whose hostility toward Israel in his recent columns has surprised even his liberal friends in the Jewish state.
But then "fair and balanced" was never the Times' slogan, was it?

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At 6:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Watch some Arabian prince swoop down and buy up the NYGrimes. Wait for it!

At 7:11 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Tom Friedman, a legend in his own twisted mind.

At 7:28 PM, Blogger NormanF said...

The New York Times thinks ganging up on Israel is going to win it the favor of the Obama White House. In truth, its going to turn mainstream Israelis off. They already get a serving of such attacks at home in Haaretz. They don't need more of it from The New York Times.


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