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Tuesday, November 02, 2010

Bombs meant to explode in midair - not in synagogues

Ed Morrissey believes that the bombs discovered in Dubai and London were meant to explode in midair and not in Chicago area synagogues.
Furthermore, the two bombs discovered made it unlikely that the targets were a delivery destination. One had a timer, the other a mobile phone for detonation systems. Given the inability to pinpoint a specific delivery time, both detonators make no sense for targeting a synagogue, where other types of letter-bomb detonation systems would work more reliably. The addresses were probably meant to send a message after the planes exploded in mid-flight, once the shippers had time to discover the paperwork for those packages.
The bomb discovered in Dubai had actually traveled on two passenger planes before it arrived in Dubai.

Read the whole thing. This much is clear: The terrorists are still at war with the West. All of President Obama's sucking up to them has not changed anything.

What could go wrong?


At 12:10 PM, Blogger NormanF said...

Canada has banned package deliveries from Yemen. But my guess is Al Qaeda will soon look for another loophole.

At 5:39 PM, Blogger Sunlight said...

The American media (and apparently, acquired and reorganized commercial bloggers) has trouble with reality. Even if the bombs were meant to blow up planes in the air, upon failure, they would have shown up at Jewish organization addresses. This does not support the CAIR-funded narrative that the Muslims are the true victims in the U.S. So unless Ed Morrissey thinks this pronouncement will somehow protect U.S. Jews, then he needs to re-evaluate his conclusions. Federation offices, JCC's, local synagogues... the attempt to intimidate civilians should NOT be given a very big pass by people like Ed Morrissey. Next step, rockets over the border. And will Ed say "Oh the poor drug dealers. They are only sending a message, not intending to intimidate and kill civilians."

At 5:44 PM, Blogger Sunlight said...

Also, I'm hoping somebody with inside connections will try to find out the story behind the guy who blew the whistle. Maybe Gitmo is good for planting a seed of dissension in these jihadis' pea brains... the knowledge that if something like these bombings were to succeed, that the Yemeni jihadis and the communities that they live among like diseased ticks will be forfeit. Maybe Gitmo planted a seed of wanting life (on this earth!) to continue.


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