J Street sponsorting the UNRWA narrative

The 'pro-Israel, pro-peace' J Street lobby is sponsoring an evening with UNRWA's director of Gaza operations John Ging next week in Washington DC. The details are here. Unfortunately, no one thought to invite Andrew Whitley.
However, if you are in the Washington area, you might consider showing up and asking Mr. Ging why he doesn't tell the 'refugees' the truth, as Mr. Whitley suggested, and why he keeps complaining of 'starvation' in Gaza when we have all seen pictures of the fully-stocked stores, opulent hotels, etc. that exist in the Strip.
I find it incredible that an organization calling itself 'pro-Israel' would sponsor Mr. Ging, particularly with no speaker to counterbalance him.
Labels: Andrew Whitley, Gaza, J Street, John Ging, UNRWA
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