But of course: The 'Palestinians' want a goody bag too

Palestinian sources told London based al-Quds al-Arabi newspaper that the Palestinian leadership was waiting for a commitment and aid package from the United States, in return for resuming direct negotiations with Israel.Maybe they want $3 billion too. In a Swiss bank account.....
The sources suggested the United States will commit to signing a peace agreement within one year, demarcation of the Palestinian state within three months, and a solution for the refugee problem, as well as a financial aid package.
Labels: final status negotiations, financial aid package, Palestinian Authority, Swiss bank account
It's sorta good news if Obama hasn't promised them anything yet, but I am not sure whether we should believe this.
More importantly, the key issue is *not* the freeze, and it does not matter anymore if it's slightly extended or not. It's secondary compared to what's coming.
Israel will be pressured to accept an impossible arrangement - Nethanyahu must find the courage to reject this and to confront Obama when the ultimatum is set before us. And if the Palestinians make a unilateral move late next year, Nethanyahu must be ready for that too. If he is not able or does not wish to fight for Israel's most important interests, than the coalition must fall.
The last sentence should be "And if" instead of "if".
I'm sure the House GOP is thrilled to put up this package.
And what exactly is Abu Bluff going to pay to get it?
I don't think anybody including Obama knows what will happen 3 months from now. Whether incompetently dangerous or dangerously incompetent (discuss among yourselves) he always ends up scrambling deep behind his own scrimmage line desperately looking for an open receiver. I am unconvinced it is that reliable to place your bets on a supposed strategy he has for ten plays down the line. He's the guy who promised to teach the Sultan's horse aramaic in exchange for the sultan's daughter.
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