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Thursday, October 21, 2010

'Palestinians' prefer new intifadeh to negotiations

By a margin of 41%-30%, the 'Palestinians' would prefer to return to an intifadeh rather than resuming 'direct negotiations. By contrast, 78% of Israelis would return to the negotiating table.
Sixty-four percent of Palestinians surveyed believe they need success in direct talks more than Israelis, while 51% of Israelis think both sides need success equally. Both groups are skeptical that negotiations will succeed with 5% of Israelis and 6% of Palestinians thinking they will yield an agreement, but 78% of Israelis support their continuation. Only 30% of Palestinians support continuing talks.

If peace talks fail, 69% of Palestinians support turning to the UN Security Council to recognize a Palestinian State, and 54% support unilaterally declaring a state, according to the poll's findings. 40% support dissolving the Palestinian Authority, should talks fail, and 27% believe there should be a one-state solution. Neither Palestinians nor Israelis consider it likely that an independent Palestinian State will be established next to the State of Israel in the next five years.

In addition, if talks fail, 51% support nonviolent resistance, while 41% support resuming the Intifada. At the same time 63% of Israelis surveyed fear the Palestinians will resume violence.
And for those of you who wonder why Israel doesn't just resume the freeze, as the OBstAcle MAker has requested...
Only 29% of Israelis support a full construction freeze in the West Bank, with 46% supporting construction only in the areas that will remain under Israeli rule in a future agreement. Twenty-eight percent support unlimited construction in all settlements.
If God forbid there's another intifadeh now, I would expect it to be far different from what happened ten years ago. Israelis feel that we've done everything we can to try to accommodate the 'Palestinians' and that they have not made a single concession. I'd look for the army and the police to crack down hard. Really hard.


At 11:54 AM, Blogger NormanF said...

I think there will be another one... this time Israel should round them all up and expel them to Jordan. Let that be their homeland and its no longer Israel's responsibility to accommodate them. The Arabs are not interested in peace with Israel.

Its time for Israel's Jews to wake up and start facing reality. The country put off a lot of stuff for the last 17 years and it no longer makes sense to put it on hold for a peace accord with the Palestinians that won't happen in our lifetime.

And doing the above will help to make sure Obama or a successor as President can never squeeze Israel back to the 1949 lines and it will take Jerusalem off the negotiating table for good. The Palestinians have everything to lose by instigating another intifada. Let's hope next time around, they are not going to be rewarded, G-d forbid, for killing more Jews.


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