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Friday, October 08, 2010

How to stop the other 50% of terror attacks

You will recall that on Wednesday, I reported that former US President Bill Clinton said that if only the US could resolve the Israeli - 'Palestinian' dispute, 50% of the terror attacks against the West would be stopped.

Now, James Lileks reports that Clinton has suggestions for stopping the other 50% too (Hat Tip: Instapundit), but says that Clinton's speech was about much more.
And removing Israel entirely would take away the other half. For about a month. But the speech was about much, much more:
Clinton focused his talk largely on living in a more sustainable fashion to confront global issues of income disparity and climate change
You can imagine the Syrians’ frustration, having to fund Hezbollah when the money could be spent on wind turbines.


At 4:43 AM, Blogger BH in Iowa said...

How to stop terror attacks:

Make the price too high.


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