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Wednesday, October 13, 2010

How can you tell when J Street's lying?

How can you tell when J Street's lying? It's really simple: If they say something, they're lying. And it's happened yet again.

You may recall that last week, I reported that J Street co-founder Daniel Levy had told al-Jazeera that the State of Israel's creation was "an act that was wrong."

The accusation against Levy bothered J Street enough that they put this rebuttal on the "myths and facts" section of their website:
In an answer to a question on a panel he appeared on in Doha, Qatar, Daniel argued in favor of progressive Zionism. He did not call Israel’s creation "an act that was wrong.” He believes that the events of the creation of the Palestinian refugee problem included acts that were wrong, but that could be excused for him by the particular and unique moment in Jewish history that we were living through in 1948:

"I believe that where Jewish history was in 1948 excused, for me – it was good enough for me – an act that was wrong."

Daniel went on to say that he sees no reason why Palestinians would agree with his response to that history, "I don’t expect Palestinians to think that."
Really? Let's go to the videotape.

It sure sounded to me like said that the creation of the State of Israel was "an act that was wrong."

But it's worse that that: Even if one accepts J Street's interpretation of Levy's words, Levy is making an argument that is poisonous to the State of Israel, writes Daniel Halper.
For one, he seems to have his history of Israel’s independence backwards – it was, after all, the Arab states that rejected the UN partition plan and chose to launch a war of annihilation against the nascent Jewish state instead. This war created the Palestinian refugee problem – but Levy thinks the refugees are Israel’s fault.

More importantly, Levy is suggesting that the Holocaust – that’s what he’s referring to when he says “where Jewish history was in 1948” – rendered Israel’s creation justifiable. In other words, only because the Nazis murdered six million Jews in Europe a few years prior did the Jews have the right to commit the “wrong” of forming a nation-state in the historic Land of Israel.

Levy should explain to J Street’s supporters whether, by this logic, he believes that pre-war Zionism – that is, the attempt to establish the state of Israel before the Holocaust had entitled the Jews to their unique status of victimhood – was unjust. He would seem to be arguing that it was.
Levy is making the same argument that Barack Obama made in Cairo in June 2009: It was wrong to create the State of Israel, but because of the Holocaust there was no choice. That's a despicable argument to make, and one that totally disregards Jewish history and the three-millennium Jewish connection to the Land of Israel.

Read it all.


At 5:03 AM, Blogger Eliana said...

Israel's enemies (including J Street) love to promote the idea that the State of Israel was created on a dime in 1948 because of the Holocaust. They're ignoring 3000 years of Jewish history on the land, and they're also making a very specific point of ignoring the last 150 years of modern Jewish history that has been spent rebuilding the Jewish national home.

It's evidence of persistent and monstrous global antisemitism that the nations of the UN probably wouldn't have responded to 100 years of Jewish hard work and investment by accepting the idea of a Jewish state in 1948 if Europeans hadn't recently murdered 6 million Jews.

The UN has been kicking Israel in the teeth every year since then as if the world is angry with itself for treating Jews somewhat decently ONE TIME in a UN General Assembly vote because Europeans had recently murdered 6 million of us.

No more somewhat decent treatment for Jews, though!

They see their demand to expel 600,000 Jews from their homes in the 21st Century as almost saintly.

They see their demand to allow the Arabs to flood Israel with 4 or 5 million "Palestinians" as the absolute height of morality.

It would be like flooding the U.S. or Europe almost overnight with 250 million homeless, jobless people who have despised the U.S. and/or Europe all their lives.

No country could survive what the nations want to happen to Israel and yet they demand it and demand it while taunting "So you don't want peace, eh???" when Israel doesn't agree to these horrid demands.

What they're doing is unspeakably evil.

At 5:25 AM, Blogger NormanF said...

Yup. Let's see Daniel Levy for what he really is: an anti-Zionist.

Since he's on J-Street's staff, that reinforces the view that its not pro-Israel. If you don't believe in Zionism - you're not backing the Jewish State.

J-Street's lying and by keeping Levy around, they show how little Israel really matters to them.

At 6:23 AM, Blogger yzernik said...

The guy next to him is Abdel Bari Atwan, the guy who said he will dance in Trafalgar Square if Iran nukes Israel.

At 2:43 PM, Blogger Benyaminov Shamil said...

Hello Carl

How can i get a hold of this human savage, and express my point of view to him not so in intellectual way…Just a few vulgar opinionated comments...Where these people coming from.....someone please tell me


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