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Tuesday, October 12, 2010

A Druze MK's message to Ahmadinejad

Druze MK Ayoub Kara (Likud) understands the idea that Israel is a Jewish state better than most Jews.
“We are planning to fly 2,000 balloons across the northern border to Lebanon when Ahmadinejad comes for a visit Wednesday,” Kara told Voice of Israel radio. “The balloons represent the fact that the Jewish people have come home after 2,000 years of exile, and they are not going anywhere.” Kara, who is himself not Jewish, said that he appreciated Israel's freedom and democracy – and that were it not for the Jewish people, the entire Middle East would look like Iran.

“It was my idea to organize the event, and I am hoping that thousands will come,” Kara said of the rally, set for 11 a.m. Wednesday in the northern border town of Metulla. “Several MKs, including Nissim Ze'ev, Michael Ben-Ari, and Yulia Shamalov-Berkovich told me they would join as well."


But even though the government, for its own reasons, has chosen not to say anything, “we cannot remain silent while this evil dictator knocks on our door,” Kara said. “This rally is an absolute necessity. Ahmadinejad must see that we will not allow his hatred and threats to pass unnoticed.”

Kara has attempted to communicate his feelings to Ahmadinejad several times. “I even sent him a letter, in Persian, addressed to the Presidential Palace in Tehran,” in which he expressed the Israeli nation's desire for peace, and its willingness to defend itself. “He hasn't answered yet,” said Kara. “Maybe he's still thinking about what I wrote.”
If only many Jews understood as well as Kara.


At 5:06 PM, Blogger NormanF said...

What a stupid proposal. Here Israel is engaging in trivialities instead of seizing the chance to bring Ahmedinejad to justice in Jerusalem.

Do the words "never again" mean something to Israel's leaders? Apparently not when all they can do is greeting a vicious anti-Semite like retarded children incapable of understanding he's a deadly beast.

What could go wrong indeed.


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