Olmert: US agreed to take 100,000 'Palestinian refugees'

Former Prime Minister Ehud Olmert said that he reached an agreement with the Americans for them to absorb 100,000 Palestinian refugees as part of a peace deal. He added that he struck a deal with Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas that Israel would absorb an additional 20,000 refugees "for humanitarian reasons."And I'm sure that the Obama administration will be even more generous than the Bush administration on this one.
In a Geneva Initiative conference, Olmert said, "If we had reached an agreement, it would have changed the map of the world and the entire Middle East. We are not to blame. If there is no agreement, it's because the Palestinian side was not prepared to take the extra step that we made."
What could go wrong?
Surprise. The 'Palestinians' say they never agreed to this.
In response to former Prime Minister Ehud Olmert's claim that the US had agreed to take in 100,000 Palestinian refugees as part of a solution to the conflict, a Palestinian source said to Ynet that if such an agreement had been reached, it had been with the US alone.What could go wrong?
The source said disagreement had remained on the subject of refugees right to the end. "We wanted Israel to absorb hundreds of thousands, while Israel talked about absorbing far fewer," the source said, but confirmed that various countries around the world had agreed to take in thousands.
So Olmerde agrees to make "palestine" ethnically pure by making it Judenrein.
He also agrees that Israel not only keeps its 20% arab population but is also further putrefied by taking in 20k more arab Jew haters.
I get it, arabs hate Jews, but they don't hate "Israelis" as long as they are "normal", Euro-trash wannabe, trannsexual singer luving New Jews!
Olmerde should join his yored new Jew kids in Paris
So Olmerde agrees to make "palestine" ethnically pure by making it Judenrein.
He also agrees that Israel not only keeps its 20% arab population but is also further putrefied by taking in 20k more arab Jew haters.
I get it, arabs hate Jews, but they don't hate "Israelis" as long as they are "normal", Euro-trash wannabe, trannsexual singer luving New Jews!
Olmerde should join his yored new Jew kids in Paris
I wish my country [USA] would stop allowing people from terrorist countries in to our country.
"... that would have the US absorb 100,000 'Palestinian refugees.'"
Let's see how fast Obama can get them here to vote in the next election.Since Obama's emphatic support of GZM, he is the darling of Muslims far and wide.
Why should anyone "absorb" Palestinians? Let them stay where they are.
The Palestinians are not giving their "right of return" and this is the poison pill for any agreement. Nowhere in his statement at the Geneva Intiative, did Olmert indicate the Palestinians gave up on it.
His notion that it was possible to reach a peace agreement is pure fantasy - given that no Palestinian leader is likely to ever sign an agreement without Israel agreeing to be flooded with millions of hostile Arabs.
But then it wouldn't be a peace agreement, now would it?
I propose a counter proposal to the Arab refusal:
100% of all Arabs in E"Y [obviously including all of Yesha] be immediately transferred out of the State into Sinai, and Jordan within a 24-48 hour period with no consultation before or after implementation. [if the Arabs go willingly some compensation will be due, if not they take nothing but the shirts on their backs.]
Israel will never know peace [as long as Islam exists], but we can have security.
These '100,000 Palestinian refugees' have not been 'absorbed' by their Arab neighbours in six decades, but it is the obligation of...the United States of America...to absorb the descendants of former inhabitants of a British colony ? Vietnamese and Iraqi regugees I get, but this ?
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