What a difference a day makes
Imagine if all vehicular traffic in your city was stopped for a day. What do you think the effect on pollution would be?
Air quality in Israel was excellent over Yom Kippur, the Environmental Ministry said Saturday night. According to measurements recorded at Ministry stations around the country, the improvement began immediately after the beginning of the holiday, as Co2 levels, associated with vehicle exhaust, fell dramatically, especially in the Dan region and in Jerusalem. In the Tel Aviv area, for example, pollution over the holiday was measured at 1 to 8 parts per million, compared to 84 parts per million on the morning before Yom Kippur.Hmmm.
No, we're not going to go back to horses and buggies. But it would be nice if mass transit here (which is still nearly exclusively buses) at least got you from one point to another faster than your private car, so that you wouldn't feel obligated to drive everywhere.
I SO wish I could live in Israel!! I would LOVE to live in a country where I could have KOSHER FOOD, be shomer shabbes- without getting fired by my boss, and keep all the Jewish holidays...All of the important things...
I SO wish I could live in Israel!! I would LOVE to live in a country where I could have KOSHER FOOD, be shomer shabbes- without getting fired by my boss, and keep all the Jewish holidays...All of the important things...
Horse and buggies? At the start of the twentieth century, the biggest problem facing New York City was how to dispose of all the horse manure.
I'll take the CO2 thank you :-)
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