Danon: 'Netanyahu said 'test me' so we are testing him'

When the 'settlement freeze' was implemented last November, many people warned that Israel would come under pressure to extend it. One of those people was Likud MK Danny Danon. Prime Minister Netanyahu promised that were would be no extensions. "
Test me," said Netanyahu. That's exactly what Danon intends to do.
Danon stressed that intense political pressure must be placed on Netanyahu not to extend the freeze order and not to issue a new order instead of the one that is expiring. On Monday, Netanyahu is scheduled to hold final consultations regarding the question of discontinuing the freeze or continuing it in some form. These will be crucial moments, Danon said.
Among other things, he intends to take part in an event at the community of Revava in Samaria during the week of Sukkot, at which renewed construction will be kick-started.
"Netanyahu knows that it was the nationalist camp that elected him and the nationalists are the ones who will either re-elect him or vote him out of office,” Danon warned not-too-subtly. “All those leftists who are applauding him now will not vote for him. They will vote for Tzipi Livni. He knows it and that is why I believe he will remain true to the path.”
Can Netanyahu put together a coalition without the nationalist camp? I doubt it. Can Livni? I doubt that too. If there are new elections, I would not be surprised to see the country move further right. Israelis understand that the entire 'peace process' is a bluff.
Israelis can see the Palestinians are not prepared to make peace on terms most Israelis would find minimally acceptable.
And extending the freeze would not alter their stand.
Basically, its just a question of time before the talks end. They will end either in the next two weeks or by next year. Either way, no agreement is going to be in the cards.
Bibi will fail the test.
Will Danon expel him for not making the grade?
Shy Guy,
I think the question is less whether Danon will expel Bibi than whether the nationalist part of the Likud will have the courage of their convictions to risk their seats by bringing down the government.
Unfortunately, there's no way to know that in advance.
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