Breaking: Yesha Council announces end of freeze

Listening to Bennett - a former high tech executive and Netanyahu's former chief of staff - he really gets it. He distinguishes between Obama and the American people. He says that it's time to stop fooling ourselves that the 'Palestinians' want peace, and that the whole freeze was a mistake.
It was an awesome interview, but I didn't start typing until he was well into it. I will try to get more on it later, but I am going to be at the WJC again today, so that may be difficult. Anyone who can get the interview for me - preferably with an English translation - gets a big hat tip.
One other thing Bennett said. Imagine if Netanyahu had gone to Baruch Goldstein's grave before he left for Washington. Imagine the outrage from the 'international' community.
Yet Abu Mazen went to visit Arafat's grave before he left and the World is silent.
The Palestinians did what Yesha's revanants couldn't do for almost ten months: they killed any effort to extend the freeze.
Its over and I don't see it being renewed in the future. Its politically impossible for Netanyahu to offer the Palestinians a gesture now even if he wanted to.
The Palestinians gave the revanants a gift in the best possible way. And more Jews are going to live in Yesha in the years to come.
We don't have to imagine. We got a State Department spokesman to misinterpret Rav Ovadia Yosef's remarks. (Maybe he didn't misinterpret the words, but they were misinterpreted, and he was incurious as to what Rabbi Yosef actually said.
Israeli settlers to resume West Bank construction
September 1 2010
Associated Press Writer= feaJERUSALEM (AP) — Israeli settlers in the West Bank said Wednesday that they will break a government freeze on construction in their communities to protest a Palestinian shooting attack that killed four Israelis on the eve of new peace talks between the Israelis and Palestinians in Washington.
The Israelis were killed Tuesday evening when they drove through the West Bank.
The Yesha Council, which represents the settlers, said in a statement that construction will resume at 6 p.m. local time Wednesday.
"This attack again proved that despite what might be going on in Washington right now, the Palestinians have no goal to create a peaceful state for themselves but are entirely driven to destroy our State and our people," Naftali Bennett, Yesha director said. "We will start work this evening and build all across Judea and Samaria," Bennet told Israel radio, calling the West Bank by its Biblical name.
It's not clear how much the settlers can realistically build before they are stopped by inspectors enforcing the moratorium.
Israel imposed a 10-month freeze on construction in West Bank settlements in an effort to get negotiations with the Palestinians back on track.
The moratorium expires on Sept. 26 and the Palestinians say they will withdraw from the talks unless it is extended.
UPDATE: Prime Minister Netanyahu told President Obama the freeze is over. It will not be extended.
Well, Carl - the Palestinians did what every one else thought was impossible. They managed to kick building in the revanants back into high gear. Some victory.
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