Abu Mazen's apologists

In an op-ed in Thursday's Washington Post, they lament the weakness of Abu Mazen's position in the current talks as compared with the strength of Prime Minister Netanyahu's position.
Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu is the head of a stable state with the ability to deliver on his commitments. Celebrations of supposed institution-building notwithstanding, Palestinians have no robust central authority. Their territory is divided between the West Bank and Gaza. On their own, Palestinians would find it difficult to implement an agreement, however much they might wish to. Israel controls all material assets; Palestinians at best can offer intangible declarations and promises.And whose fault is that? That's what happens when a state negotiates with a terror group. The real question here is why Israel is negotiating at all.
Netanyahu operates within a domestic consensus. On issue after issue -- acceptance of a two-state solution; insistence on Palestinian recognition of Israel as a Jewish state; rejection of a full settlement freeze including Jerusalem; refusal of preconditions for negotiations -- his stances resonate with the Israeli people. Neither the right, from which he comes, nor the left, whose peace aspirations he is pursuing, denies him the mandate to negotiate. Netanyahu is heading on his own terms to negotiations he has demanded for 20 months; Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas is being dragged there without any of his preconditions having been met.
The Palestinian leadership has never been more vulnerable. Participation in direct talks was opposed by virtually every Palestinian political organization aside from Fatah, whose support was lethargic. Abbas's decision to come to Washington is viewed skeptically even by those who back him. Netanyahu's is supported even by those who oppose him.
Palestinian views are well known. There is little to no distinction between their public, opening and final positions. Yet no one truly knows the Israeli stance. Netanyahu can start with maximalist positions and then climb down, exuding flexibility next to what inevitably will be couched as Palestinian obstinacy. Palestinians are likely to be frustrated, and the atmosphere poisoned.
ISRAEL HAS TURNED OUT TO BE A PROFANE STATE AND A FRAUD WITH BOTH GOD AND THE WHOLE JEWISH COMMUNITY. It is recalled that the founding father David Ben Gurion rejected Rabbis who would have affirmation of faith in God sworn at the founding ceremony. He rebuffed them, saying: "God had done too little to deserve this credit." Israel's misfortunes know no end. The Scripture is full of "and the Jews did evil in the sight of God." Israel is faced with a lethal strike from the heavens that is looming over the Zionists so-called secularists. The eminent Jewish Author, Chaim Bermant, says in his bestseller Book: "The Jews" that "Jews were rarely in control of their destiny and where they impinged on history it was because they were troublesome or in trouble." How true is that about the Jews? They were in trouble during the much despised and condemned Holocaust and soon after that they have become troublesome both to them and especially to their mentor, America. Israel’s top priority should be to try and ward off the threat from the heavens by repenting to God and to rescind the oath at the founding ceremony from the “Rock” of Israel to the affirmation of faith in God. Netanyahu should be kicked out and sidelined from any further negotiations. President Shimon knows this anomaly in Israel's creation. It is time that you know this too.
ISRAEL HAS TURNED OUT TO BE A PROFANE STATE AND A FRAUD WITH BOTH GOD AND THE WHOLE JEWISH COMMUNITY. It is recalled that the founding father David Ben Gurion rejected Rabbis who would have affirmation of faith in God sworn at the founding ceremony. He rebuffed them, saying: "God had done too little to deserve this credit." Israel's misfortunes know no end. The Scripture is full of "and the Jews did evil in the sight of God." Israel is faced with a lethal strike from the heavens that is looming over the Zionists so-called secularists. The eminent Jewish Author, Chaim Bermant, says in his bestseller Book: "The Jews" that "Jews were rarely in control of their destiny and where they impinged on history it was because they were troublesome or in trouble." How true is that about the Jews? They were in trouble during the much despised and condemned Holocaust and soon after that they have become troublesome both to them and especially to their mentor, America. Israel’s top priority should be to try and ward off the threat from the heavens by repenting to God and to rescind the oath at the founding ceremony from the “Rock” of Israel to the affirmation of faith in God. Netanyahu should be kicked out and sidelined from any further negotiations. President Shimon knows this anomaly in Israel's creation. It is time that you know this too.
ISRAEL HAS TURNED OUT TO BE A PROFANE STATE AND A FRAUD WITH BOTH GOD AND THE WHOLE JEWISH COMMUNITY. It is recalled that the founding father David Ben Gurion rejected Rabbis who would have affirmation of faith in God sworn at the founding ceremony. He rebuffed them, saying: "God had done too little to deserve this credit." Israel's misfortunes know no end. The Scripture is full of "and the Jews did evil in the sight of God." Israel is faced with a lethal strike from the heavens that is looming over the Zionists so-called secularists. The eminent Jewish Author, Chaim Bermant, says in his bestseller Book: "The Jews" that "Jews were rarely in control of their destiny and where they impinged on history it was because they were troublesome or in trouble." How true is that about the Jews? They were in trouble during the much despised and condemned Holocaust and soon after that they have become troublesome both to them and especially to their mentor, America. Israel’s top priority should be to try and ward off the threat from the heavens by repenting to God and to rescind the oath at the founding ceremony from the “Rock” of Israel to the affirmation of faith in God. Netanyahu should be kicked out and sidelined from any further negotiations. President Shimon knows this anomaly in Israel's creation. It is time that you know this too.
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