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Thursday, August 19, 2010

Israeli Jews to be allowed into 'Palestinian' cities?

It's been ten years since Israeli civilians were last allowed in 'Palestinian' cities like Jenin, Ramallah and Jericho. Now, the IDF is considering allowing Jewish Israelis to visit 'Palestinian' cities.
“There is a feeling that with certain time and location limitations, we will be able to allow Israelis into predetermined parts of Area A, without fear for their safety”, explained Col. Ronen, Intelligence Officer for the Central Command, to an army magazine. “This plan, if put into action, will include carefully chosen Palestinian cities in Judea and Samaria; places with tourist opportunities like Jenin, Ramallah and Bethlehem”.

In order to examine the matter, Central Command estimates that a trial period will be announced within a year, and will afford Israelis the chance to enter Area A territories as part of the evaluation of the Palestinian security mechanisms ability to adapt to the situation and the Israeli public’s desire to enter these territories. Three weeks ago Chief of the Central Command, Maj. Gen. Avi Mizrachi, conducted a tour of Jenin which included a meeting with the city’s governor Mussa Cadura. A week before, Maj. Gen. Mizrachi visited Jericho for the first time since the Intifada Israeli citizens were banned from entering cities in Judea and Samaria a decade ago, after the start of the 2nd Intifada following violent kidnaps and murders in the region.
The reason why the IDF may allow Jews back in is... to help the 'Palestinian' economy. And the main risk is.... kidnapping.
Despite the stable security situation, the IDF remains worried that a terror organization will take advantage of the fact that Israelis are entering Area A areas and attempt to kidnap them. "The preferred tactic of terror operatives in Judea and Samaria, as opposed to Gaza and Lebanon, is to kidnap soldiers or civilians," explained the Intelligence Officer of the Command. "The threat of kidnapping only worsens as the long as there is no progress on the issue of Gilad Shalit. For the past half year we have ascertained that isolated terror cells are determined to kidnap soldiers in the Judea and Samaria region.
I'll tell you what: Let's let Israeli civilians go into the 'Palestinian' cities provided they first sign a waiver that says that if they are kidnapped, the government will not negotiate, will not pay any ransom and will not release terrorists to get them back. If you're kidnapped there, you're on your own. What could go wrong?


At 1:04 AM, Blogger NormanF said...

No Jew who values his life is going to do that in our lifetime.

I don't see it happening even if the Israeli government does lift the ban on Jews visiting Arab cities in Yesha.

At 11:11 PM, Blogger Eliyahu in Shilo said...

Does it mean that I could go to Kever Yosef easily? If so, I'm all for it!


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