BBC fair and balanced for a change

Honest Reporting agrees with me that the BBC segment on the Mavi Marmara that I
posted earlier was - shockingly -
fair and balanced.
Instead, we were pleasantly surprised that the BBC has produced a balanced and comprehensive examination of the incident, including unique access to Israel's Naval Commando 13, the unit which seized the Mavi Marmara and interviews and footage of the Turkish IHH organization, whose members openly acknowledge their wish to become martyrs.
Let's hope this happens more often.
I was shocked, too. Having the IHH people admit to pretty much everything - except their use of guns - that the IDF has said has been unspeakably demoralizing for all the lefty wingnuts who've said the IDF were lying.
But I noticed that the IDF made the same mistake I did in using - an interpreting - Lee's video. They intermixed her footage with the IDF's, but her footage is NOT of the first helicopter. I'm still trying to figure out if it was the second or the third - I'm inclined to think the third.
I'm working on a piece on that for my blog at http://professormiao whatever blogspot if anyone is interested. It should be up in a couple of days.
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