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Friday, July 09, 2010

'Palestinian' civil war watch: Hamas going to war against 'collaborators'

I've discussed a couple of times how Hamas has given 'collaborators' with Israel two months to 'repent' and that those two months end on July 10 - this Saturday. Hamas is raring to go after those who have not 'repented' and has already started to arrest 'dozens' of 'collaborators.' Hamas is threatening all-out war against those who have not surrendered, while it is offering 'fair trials' (whatever that means in Hamastan) to those who have surrendered. So why the civil war watch?
Human rights activists who have condemned the executions also expressed fear that Hamas was planning to use the campaign to settle scores against its political enemies.

According to the activists, Hamas has also arrested several Fatah men on suspicion of helping Israel during Operation Cast Lead.


At 6:28 AM, Blogger NormanF said...

There is not going to be a unified Palestinian state in the future. Its the elephant in the room ignored by the West. You basically have two Palestinian mini states ruled by rival governments at odds with each other. And that's the way it will be for the foreseeable future.


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