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Sunday, July 25, 2010

Most Americans support an Israeli strike on Iran, but....

Most Americans support an Israeli strike on Iran, but... once again there's a partisan divide.
The poll was conducted by TIPP, the polling unit of TechnoMetrica Market Intelligence, a U.S. research firm of both syndicated and custom Market Research solutions.

According to the poll, 43 percent of U.S. Democrats approve of Israel taking military action against Iran to prevent Iran from building nuclear weapons, while 40 percent disapprove. However, when Republicans were asked the same question, 74 percent voiced approval while 17 percent disapproved. Among independents, 56 percent approved of military action while 30 percent disapproved.

Overall, 56 percent of Americans approved a military strike, while 30 percent disapproved, according to the poll.
For the record, I'm not really happy about this partisan divide. But I believe we would be fools to ignore it.


At 7:49 PM, Blogger What is "Occupation" said...

I think America should use everything it it's power to stop Iran from getting a NUKE.

this includes sanctions.

we have the tools but America refuses to enact the laws Congress already passed...

we could increase trade restrictions on other sectors of Iran's commerce and also on other nations that do business with Iran.

Russia and China come to mind.

Oh wait...

China and Russia also seem to be the ones supplying weapons to Iran, Syria and Hezbollah..

Getting a pattern here?

Let's start slowing down Chinese IMPORTS to America, bog them down on paperwork..

stack up several thousand container ships in the Pacific..


Give American Natural Gas producers tax incentives to supply Europe with Natural Gas..

Start supplying the Kurds weapons in all occupied areas...

Remember Iran, Iraq, Syria and turkey all illegally occupy Kurdish lands...

stir the pot....


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