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Sunday, July 18, 2010

Abu Mazen adds another condition

'Moderate' 'Palestinian' President Mahmoud Abbas Abu Mazen has added another condition for the resumption of direct talks with Israel.
The Palestinian president said Saturday that he will go to direct peace talks if Israel accepts its 1967 frontier as a baseline for the borders of a Palestinian state.

Mahmoud Abbas also told a Jordanian newspaper that Israel must accept the deployment of an international force in that state.
Given our great experience with UNIFIL, good luck with that.

On the other hand, Abu Bluff didn't mention a 'settlement freeze' this time. But given the constantly changing lineup of demands, I would not say that means it's off the table.


At 7:15 PM, Blogger NormanF said...

Abu Bluff is inventing new excuses to avoid direct talks. Now he wants Israel to give up secure borders and relinquish its right to defend itself to the UN/NATO and he's not offering anything in exchange. With his ever escalating list of demands, its a sure guarantee the so called proximity talks are deadlocked for good. Israel is ready for such talks and Abu Bluff doesn't want them!

So who is really standing in the way of peace? Its not Israel!


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