Turkey the flotilla loser?

First, Hamas is turning to arch-rival Greece to handle cargo shipments to Gaza.
Hamas is considering having cargo aboard future flotillas to the Gaza Strip inspected by European inspectors at a Greek port, and having those inspectors accompany the ships on their way to ensure Israel that no arms are brought on board on the way to the Strip, Israel Radio reported Saturday.In addition to being Turkey's arch-rival, Greece has the advantage that it is not a Muslim country, which might make any arrangement more palatable to Israel (I doubt it - but there's certainly no chance Israel would agree to this kind of arrangement with Turkey). Of course, if you're going to do things in Greece, you'd better take payment in cash.
The proposal was being negotiated by Jamal Khudari, an independent Palestinian legislator from the Gaza Strip with close ties to Hamas, known as the head of the 'Popular Committee Against the Siege on Gaza.”
According to the report, Khudari had been in touch with Egyptian, Greek and other European officials, and the idea had now been brought to the Hamas government in Gaza.
Additionally, Iran was so excited at the prospect of making martyrs that 100,000 Iranians signed up for the privilege of sailing to Gaza, and Iran is planning on sending its own flotilla this week and next week.
One of the ships, which is carrying food and medicine is expected to leave this week. The Red Crescent has promised to send two ships by Friday and a third next week.I wonder how they're planning to get there. I don't see the Egyptians opening the Suez Canal for them to go to Gaza.
A plane is also planned to fly to Egypt carrying 30 tons of medical aid.
Arutz Sheva adds:
An Iranian maritime convoy to Israel could provoke a military clash on the high seas, but it also would highlight Israel’s claim that lifting the blockade would allow Iran to directly send advanced arms, ammunition and terrorists for the de facto Hamas government in Gaza.Turkey may be cooperating, but Iran is definitely a competitor of theirs in trying to create a new order in the Middle East. What could go wrong?
The Iranian Red Crescent ships were prepared with cooperation from the Turkish government, according to the London Express. Ahmadinejad reportedly told Turkish leaders in Istanbul last week that the vessels would be prepared for a direct clash with the Israeli Defense Forces.
There is a report in Haaretz as I mentioned earlier, that the Stupid Jews are considering giving Turkey a role at the Gaza border crossings. I hope that will not happen. Then it will be Israel that would look like the flotilla of fools loser.
What could go wrong indeed
As in everything, nature abhors a vacuum. Now that the U.S. is a non-player and opposing the U.S. has no consequences, apart from a meeting and photo-op with the President, everyone else steps in. This is a major prescription for disaster.
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