'Quartet' calls for free flow of terrorists into and out of Gaza

The 'quartet' of the United States, the United Nations, the European Union and Russia has called for the
free flow of terrorists into and out of Gaza.
The human rights situation of the civilian population of Gaza is "unsustainable, unacceptable, and not in the interests of any of those concerned," the Quartet said Tuesday.
The Quartet, made up of the United States, European Union, Russia, and the United Nations, emphasized the need for "a fundamental change in policy in Gaza", demanding the "unimpeded flow of humanitarian aid, commercial goods and persons to and from Gaza."
It looks really bad, doesn't it? What could go wrong?
That's the good news. Netanyahu's capitulation to the Obama Administration's latest dictate has earned him the scorn of the Quartet. Will he learn anything from their reaction? Don't bet on it.
What could go wrong indeed
A good Ynet article explains that Israel's insistence on being responsible for the care of Gaza Arabs is why Israel faces constant world pressure on Gaza instead of Egypt. In a rational world, Israel would have closed all its border crossings with an enemy territory and left it up to Hamas and Egypt to figure out their relations. By failing to complete the Disengagement that was supposed to happen five years ago, Israel has obtained the worst of all worlds and Hamas has been happy to exploit Israel's indulgence of the area's hostile Arabs to portray it as "the occupier."
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Don't expect expect Israel's stupid Jews to reverse themselves and truly complete the Disengagement and make Gaza as it should be, Egypt's problem.
What could go wrong indeed
'Quartet' calls for free flow of terrorists into and out of Gaza
This gift which we can not get rid of came from our "best friend." Indeed a gift that keeps on giving....
"In a rational world, Israel would have closed all its border crossings with an enemy territory and left it up to Hamas and Egypt to figure out their relations."
Israel was told that if they disengaged from Gaza they would be responsible for the flow of goods in and out. Boy oh boy, Israel bit that one hook line and sinker. How easily we forget connected to that was a statement made by Bush proclaiming the NEW Palestinian state "would be viable, open, contiguous and not resemble swiss cheese!" This meant GAZA would be connected to the WB and the two would make up the Palestinian State.
Oh wow is me. Even back then there were back channel talkies with Hamas. Both Hamas and Fatah had a major in for the President of the U.S to have made such an outrageous statement.
In the mean time the country responsible for allowing smuggling in of weapons that killed Jews was Egypt who refused open borders with Gaza. Georgie said, OK and so we have that gift too. After all, "Egypt is a good friend of the U.S and ally in the war on terror."
George W. Bush
To ever again blindly trust a politician who proclaims friendship is suicide.
The litmus test of proclaimed friendship contains one element and one only. Deeds.
War seems to be breaking out on the borders of Iran and Azerbaijan, according to Debkafile. May well take their minds off it!
Nomatter, if Israel isn't going to "disengage" from Gaza, then Israel might as well move back in and police it. Of course the politicians would have to admit they uprooted the Gush Katif for no good reason and they sold Israeli voters a political fairy tale. The truth Israel is going to return to Gaza someday. There's no way around it if it doesn't want to complete the Disengagement.
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