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Friday, June 18, 2010

Obama bangs his head on the Syrian wall

Representative Ed Royce (R-Cal) has a good comment on President Obumbler's latest gambit to try to pry Syria away from Iran. Royce argues that President Professor Obumbler is beating his head against a Syrian wall.
Professor Obama's tests aside, Assad has failed the real world test. How about the reports of Syria transferring Scud missiles to Hezbollah, or its support for other militants in the region, or the stonewalling on its nuclear program? Do top Microsoft, Dell, Cisco and Symantec execs really want to be in Damascus?
This potential tech transfer is troubling. The State Department will surely argue that it'd open-up Syria to the free flow of information. More likely, though, is that Assad would use this technology to better spy on Syrian opponents. That's what the Iranians did, employing European telecom technology. One Syrian dissident quoted suspected this motivation.

Unfortunately many are moving toward Iran. Turkey and Brazil are running interference for its rogue nuclear program, Russia wants to sell Iran missiles and China is developing its oil industry.

Peeling Syria away from Iran: now that's a dropped call.


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