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Friday, June 11, 2010

It's not the 'Palestinians,' it's the Jews

Michael Totten explains why the World is apparently uninterested (yes, really) in Gaza.
An extraordinary amount of time and energy has been spent in the last ten days denouncing Israel for its supposedly inhumane treatment of Gaza, but Hamas — under which Palestinians fare orders of magnitude worse — gets a pass from most of the people yelling at Israel. It’s not hard to figure out who and what all the fuss is really about. If Gaza weren’t at war with a half-Western Jewish country, Palestinians who suffer as a result would get no more attention than victims of the civil conflict in Yemen.
And for those who believe that it's paranoid to point this out, I don't believe that Totten is Jewish.

The picture is a protest against Israel's Gaza policies outside the Israeli embassy in London.


At 7:47 PM, Blogger nomatter said...

Carl, you are not paranoid.
Even the smartest like yourself have been admonished to not play the Antisemite card.

Here it is. 1 + 1 = 2 no matter how you cut it. Dershowitz asks for good reason, Why the obsession? Perhaps the average Joe on the street is void of historical facts but the powers that be who set the policy are not. They start the fire Carl and the rest merely refesh it.

Everyone is screaming Helen Thomas needs to read history. My point, she knows history. To say otherwise, denies ANTISEMITISM.

Bottom line,it does not matter if a person is aware of their hate for Jews and the feelings that spark from it or if it is subconscious. Both are venom. As with Helen Thomas and millions of others, they know.

The smart ones are so full of themselves they don't think for a moment how transparent their actions are. Who knows, sometimes they might even question themselves.

In the end there is no reason on the face of the planet this world led by the strongest nation of the world should reward the Palestinians while the Kurds go begging.

Dershowitz, even the ultra liberal Amos Oz maintain that if the Kurds lived next door to Israel the world would stand up and take notice. (last one to take notice so many decades ago was Woodrow Wilson!) No one gives a hoot for the Kurds and for the evils done to them.


We don't use the Antisemitism card just because. We use it because like cancer it is eating up rational thought...at our expense and safety.

Screw those who accuse us. They admonish us because of 'themselves' and because they do know antisemitism is the ugliest of human thoughts and behaviors.

Antisemitism can be learned but the core is innate. Period.

At 9:46 PM, Blogger NormanF said...

Yes, its about hatred of the Jews and Israel.

Gaza is simply a foil for it.


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