EU foreign ministers fail to condemn Israel

Here's one result of the IDF's great work: European foreign ministers were so overwhelmed with the material presented by the IDF that for once they failed to condemn Israel for the Mavi Marmara incident (Please note that this report is from al-Jazeera and that's why the tone is what it is).
The European Union (EU) failed to adopt a resolution condemning Israel for its deadly attack on the Freedom Flotilla convoy more than two weeks ago and only expressed its deep sorrow at the loss of lives during the military operation.I don't think we've had anything close to this almost even-handed statement come out of Europe in the last 43 years.
A statement issued by the EU foreign ministers on Monday in Luxembourg denounced the use of violence in general without holding Israel responsible for killing nine Turkish activists and wounding dozens others including European nationals during the attack.
The statement stressed the need for conducting full and impartial investigation into the events and circumstances that surrounded the incident and demanded international participation in the probe in order to ensure its credibility.
As for the Gaza siege, the statement called for necessarily changing the current policy followed with the Gaza Strip and finding a lasting solution to the humanitarian situation there.
It also underlined that the closure of crossings is unacceptable and politically counterproductive and stressed the importance of implementing the resolution number 1860 issued by the UN Security Council in this regard with taking into account Israel’s security concerns.
According to the statement, the EU is ready to contribute to making any arrangements related to the opening of the crossings according to 2005 agreement.
The statement also urged the captors of Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit to release him immediately and ignored the Palestinian prisoners in Israel’s jails.
Considering how pro-Arab Europe is, this is a significant public relations victory for Israel. I had expected worse. And is the best that Israel can expect from Europe.
im sorry carl, but the credit does not go solely to the idf
credit must also go to the diaspora jews, who en mass stood up
resolutions in sf and richmond california condemning the idf were killed this past tuesday
yes, the initial vids from the idf helped...but so did those from the terrorists themselves
that smuggled vid, the pictures that were released uncropped, all exposed the lies of the organizers and their supporters.
and much of the exposure was done by those in the diaspora
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