A huge demonstration in Jerusalem
For those wondering where I have been for the last few hours, I had to go to a meeting in town, and I walked home for nearly an hour before I managed to flag down a taxi. Here's what's going on (Hat Tip: Gary P).
> From: Tel Aviv Warden MessageSo far it's actually been peaceful.
> Date: June 17, 2010 16:11:51 GMT+03:00
> To:
> Subject: Warden Message from US Consulate General in Jerusalem, 17 June 2010
> Dear American Citizens: > > The U.S. Consulate General in Jerusalem has distributed the following Warden Message. If you need specific assistance from the U.S. Embassy in Tel Aviv, contact our switchboard during office hours (03-519-7575). Outside of office hours, contact 03-519-7551 and your call will be transferred to the Embassy’s duty officer. For routine inquiries, please email the American Citizen Services Unit at AMCTelAviv@state.gov . To subscribe to receive additional Warden and other messages from the U.S. Embassy in Tel Aviv, go to the following link and enter your email address in the yellow box on the right-hand side of the screen: http://usembassy-israel.org.il/consular/acs/index.aspx. > > Sincerely, > > U.S. Embassy Tel Aviv, Israel > > American Citizen Services Unit
> Begin Text:
> WARDEN MESSAGE - 17 June 2010
> The Regional Security Office of the U.S. Consulate General in Jerusalem has issued the following security notice:
> A large demonstration is likely to take place this afternoon, June 17th, in the City Center and Me’a She’arim areas of Jerusalem between 2:00pm and 5:00pm. Estimates of up to 100,000 people are expected to march from Yirmiyahu, Bar Eilan, and Shvtei Yisrael and Prophet Streets toward the Israeli National Police station at the “Russian compound” where the demonstration will take place. Heavy traffic congestion is expected in these areas, located between Post 1 and Post 2. > > There will be a heavy police presence in these areas, and demonstrations always have the potential to turn violent. It is recommended that American citizens avoid any large public gatherings today. As with demonstrations, the timing, duration, and size may vary. RSO will provide updates as necessary. > > It is possible that attempts may be made by the group to block route # 1, New Gate junction, and the city entrance.
> Current information on travel and security in Israel, the West Bank, and the Gaza Strip may be obtained from the Department of State by calling 1-888-407-4747 within the United States and Canada, or, from overseas, 1-202-501-4444. For additional and more in-depth information about specific aspects of travel to these areas, U.S. citizens should consult: the Travel Warning for Israel, the West Bank and Gaza; the Country Specific Information for Israel, the West Bank and Gaza; and the Worldwide Caution. These along with other Travel Warnings, Travel Alerts and Country Specific Information are available on the Department's Internet website at http://travel.state.gov. Up-to-date information on security conditions can also be accessed at http://usembassy-israel.org.il or http://jerusalem.usconsulate.gov.
> U.S. citizens in Jerusalem are strongly encouraged to register with the Consular Section of the U.S. Consulate General in Jerusalem through the Department of State’s travel website: https://travelregistration.state.gov. U.S. citizens who require emergency services may telephone the Consulate General in Jerusalem at (972) (2) 628-7137, after hours (for emergencies): (972)(2) 622-7250.
> End Text.
The substance of the demonstration is not subject matter for this blog.
Hat Tip....
Looks like a huge success! :)
yeah seriously it was amazingly peaceful, on my way home there were literally hundreds of police milling around with nothing to do, there were at least 150 000 people ther what a kiddush hashem. if the state thinks its jewishat least be decently embarrased when the really religious guys are arguing about something...
it wwas brilliant.
Drudge linked to TWO news stories on the protests. Neither of which actually discuss why they are protesting. Typical.
Must be a slow news day or Matt has a mysterious interest in the issue.
you dont want to take a position?
all i can say is...this is what happens when you accept state funding for a religious school
i just pray it doesnt end up on the front page of the times...cuz they will misconstrue the entire issue
as long as Courts can rule by fiat based on salt shakers, saying vouchers will destroy yeshivas is a red herring.
What's more important isthat vouchers will allow Jews to escape " Heather has Two Mommieis" schools.
Unless of course Kagan types use salt shakers to force Heather upon Yeshivas also.
all monies from the state come with strings attached...that includes vouchers
and one does not want the state to impose its values upon a religious school
in any case...it is time for achdus within our communities
Saw a comment on INN.
Let's ask ourselves how the state can send these parents to jail while traitor and spy Anat Kam is simply under house arrest.
Knit, Madam Defarge, knit!
Moshe Feiglin has an interesting piece on what is wrong with Israel today: the absence of a healthy community life. He quotes Maimonides - The Rambam - from "The Laws Of The Kings" - that the primary responsibility of the state is to wage war and mete out justice. He observes that Israel has done the exact opposite: the state interferes in every aspect of its citizens' lives while ignoring its mandate to ensure security and promote justice.
More here:
The Missing Link Between The Individual And The State
Read it all
Shy Guy, good point. The Israeli Supreme Court was forced to stay its order. Its been known for a long time in Israel there are two systems of justice: one for the Left and the rest for every one else. And the Supreme Court confirmed that it exists for every one to see.
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