The 'incitement index'

It sounds like the Israeli government is actually going to get serious about
monitoring 'Palestinian' incitement in the media, a task that was left until now to private organizations like Palestinian Media Watch and MEMRI.
Yossi Kuperwasser, the director-general of the Strategic Affairs Ministry, is to bring a report on Palestinian incitement to the security cabinet, along with a new governmental mechanism – a so-called “incitement index” – that will monitor and quantify incitement on a regular basis.
“We ultimately see this as a litmus test to how the Palestinians are committed to peace,” a senior official in the Prime Minister’s Office said on Tuesday. “If the Palestinian leadership is putting extremists and terrorists on a pedestal as national heroes, that does not show a commitment to peace. By preparing their people for peace, a commitment to reconciliation can be demonstrated.”
The official said it was no coincidence this report and mechanism were coming to the security cabinet for a discussion just as the proximity talks were being started, sending a signal about the importance Israel attributes to the matter, and as a sign that Jerusalem expects this issue to be on the agenda during the indirect talks.
This sounds like a great idea so long as the index isn't used to demonstrate 'improvement' while significant amounts of incitement still exist. I'm glad to see that the government is taking an interest.
Great idea? Once the animals get wise that we're indexing their televised hate factor, they'll simply modify their broadcasting schedule for a while.
There is no peace process. Never has been. All you need to do is index this back 25 years and draw an honest conclusion.
This should have been dealt with years ago.
It would be nice to see Israel clamp down on the anti-Israel Leftist media it permits by letting outsiders have free reign inside Israel to make up stories, as well as self-hating Israelis who perpetuate lies and distort truths in their own concoctions.
[say what one may about the Arabs/Muslims, but they do not permit negative media about them to be broadcast from their countries, even if it is true in THEIR cases... this tactic has won them nothing but support from the world] - I am hopeful that Israel will clamp down on outsiders coming to Israel, or outsiders, like the EU, using money to create negative lies about Israel and the IDF.
I agree with the two above. Also, how about imprisoning all traitors? No one complains when fakestinians murder people they consider traitors(someone who may have just said a kind word to a Jew/Israeli).
We need a department like this in England URGENTLY!
Juniper in the Desert said...
We need a department like this in England URGENTLY!
Run away!
Oh good. It took only 40 years to rush that through.
Life Magazine June 12, 1970
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