Dennis Ross buys into linkage?

remarks made by Dennis Ross at the Anti-Defamation League on Monday have raised some eyebrows.
"In this region, pursuing peace is instrumental to shaping a new regional context," Ross said in remarks Monday evening. "Pursuing peace is not a substitute for dealing with the other challenges ... It is also not a panacea. But especially as it relates to resolving the Arab-Israeli conflict, if one could do that, it would deny state and non-state actors a tool they use to exploit anger and grievances."
"Clearly one way that Iran is increasing its influence in the region is by exploiting the ongoing conflict between Israelis and Palestinians," Ross said, echoing statements made by U.S. Centcom commander Gen. David Petraeus in a report (pdf) submitted to Congress back in March.
"The enduring hostilities between Israel and some of its neighbors present distinct challenges to our ability to advance our interests," Petraeus wrote. "The conflict also gives Iran influence in the Arab world through its clients, Lebanese Hizballah and Hamas."
So has Ross adopted the linkage orthodoxy? You'd have to ask him. I would argue that it's a long way from saying that resolving the Israeli - Arab dispute would give the Iranians ibe less thing to complain about to saying that you have to resolve the Israeli - Arab dispute to create a united front against Iran.
The Iranians won't change their view of Israel even IF Israel and the Palestinians somehow settled their differences. Israel is NOT responsible for solving all the problems in the Middle East.
Dennis Ross should know that linkage in reality gives Israel's enemies a veto over any efforts to pacify the Middle East and its unfair to place the entire burden for that on a very small country.
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