Carl in Jerusalem on BBC's WHYS

The question I'm going to be discussing is Should there by the death penalty for terrorists?
They came to me because of this post I wrote a month ago.
It seems that India is struggling with some of the same issues that Israel has faced.
But the view coming out of India is that this man should die to protect the population from him becoming a bargaining chip in the future. Sensible, logical argument or something that will do little more than escalating the violence?Tune in.
And does it depend on the gravity of the crime? The scale of the atrocity? Should a failed bomber, like the person responsible for the Times Square attempted attack in New York, face the death penalty?
hi Carl.
I think the answer is very easy.
Yes they should get the death penalty in order not to become a berganing chip in the future and for their crimes.
At the Neurenberg trials there was not much compassion for people who comitted mass murder or crimes to humanity so why feel now pitty for people who's intentions are the same?
They just sentenced the Mumbai terrorist in India to death.
I hope they do hang him. The worthless piece of human offal needs to be permanently removed from the face of the earth as punishment, a lesson and as a deterrent.
I agree with Will: yes.
Think of all the lives that would have been saved if the ex-Mufti of Jerusalem had been topped with the rest of the Nazis.
the death penalty after the crime is not important, important is preventive target elimination of terrorists and their helpers
woooohoooo. Listening to Carl live on the BBC. Go Carl Go! I agree!
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