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Sunday, April 11, 2010

Sarah Palin on Obama's foreign policy at the Southern Republican Leadership Conference

This is dynamite. Sarah Palin rips the Obumbler some new body parts. She's great!

Let's go to the videotape (Hat Tip: Michelle Malkin).

"Jerusalem is not a settlement and Israel is our friend." Music to my ears. Heh.


At 4:03 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

I find the frothing at the mouth response to anything Sarah Palin does or says, by liberals and democrats to be, ignoring the pseudo-intellectual snobbery aspect, a measure of how truly terrified of her they are. If they weren't scared, they wouldn't be so damning. So dismissive. So visceral in their attacks.

She represents something they don't have.

Rather than attack the persons ideas, they attack the person. They haul out comics to try to turn her into a joke. They froth at the mouth, in a literal sense, when discussing her.

What has them so incredibly frightened, that they toss decorum and civility out the window, and go for the jugular?

Everything I have seen of her, during the campaign, after the campaign, shows me that we, Amarica, made a terrible mistake electing the looter and his looter administration, borrowing the descriptive terms for progressives from Ayn Rand.

McCain wasn't anything exciting. Sarah Palin is. You don't have to agree with everything she says, but she has a clue, she knows who are friends are, and who aren't our friends. Very much unlike the current occupant of the WH.

Israel is a friend of America. America is a friend of Israel. Its the US leadership, the looters in control, who are avowed enemies of both states. This will pass. Eventually someone like Mrs. Palin will get into the WH and we can start to repair the damage the current occupant has done.

At 4:26 PM, Blogger Carl in Jerusalem said...


I have to tell you that Palin is the only candidate in the US who gives me a warm and fuzzy feeling. It's not because I'm a guy and she's an attractive woman. It's because of what she says. I get the same feeling from Huckabee but not to the same extent. I don't get it from any of the other candidates on the Republican side.

On the Democratic side, the only potential Presidential candidate who even occasionally gives me warm feelings is Joe Lieberman, and I'm not even sure he'd run as a Democrat anymore.

At 7:12 PM, Blogger nomatter said...

I agree with both kraky and Carl on all your points. I too very much like the words of Palin and Huckabee. I also like Newt Gingrich as well. In my heart I believe their feelings towards Israel is genuine. Having said that, I feel Bush always was genuine toward Israel as well but what happens in the White House always centers around the House of Saud. Good intentions and warm fuzzy feelings toward the state of Israel always fall flat. Bush dropped the ball on Israel big time in his second term. We are paying dearly for that right now most especially on the issue of Jerusalem.

If I were to vote at all next time around it would be for a Republican president with sound fiscal and conservative views, period.

Not sure if you are aware but there are thousands of voters like myself who refuse to vote for any Republican because of their views on Israel because we finally woke up. Our best friend and reality of who really runs the show at all cost to Israel taught us that.

These conservative politicians must understand that their silence in the last four years of the Bush Administration taught us all a good lesson. We will no longer vote for them out of mere words of support. They must prove to us they have the guts to carry the torch or next time we will not be silent. Next time we will make sure just like we are doing now with Obama, their legacy of throwing Israel to the wolves will be their downfall!


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