Obama out of step again

A poll released by Fox News shows that vast majorities of Americans support
military action by the United States to prevent Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons.
• By 65 to 25 percent, voters support the United States taking military action to keep Iran from getting nuclear weapons. That includes majorities of Democrats (58 percent), Republicans (77 percent) and independents (60 percent).
I know that Obama is willing to be a one-term President to ram his health care program down the American people's throats. Is he also willing to be a one-term President to allow Iran to become a nuclear power? Someone needs to start asking that question. And quickly.
It's too late. All the questions went unanswered during the pre-election campaign.
Obama is not going to be the one to stop Iran or bring peace to the Middle East. And you'd be wrong about American public opinion. Obama rammed through his health care plan over the opposition of most of the American people. And he isn't going to follow their lead to keep Iran from getting a nuclear bomb.
I'd love for someone to tell me I'm wrong but I'm not holding my breath waiting for that to happen.
From the photo you show of O, the mask is slipping and a horrible mass of lumpy slime is emerging...its the Monster from the Black Lagoon!
Israel must hit Iran's leaders and nuke capabilities NOW.
"...one-term President to ram his health care program down the American people's throats."
So you are saying Israel the entitlement state should evolve more forward into full fledged capitalism? Your apt description of ramming a program down the American people's throats tells me you are sick of socialized medicine. I mean, what is good for the goose is good for the gander, right?
Just wondering because one of the first things to go is 3 1/2 month maternity leave. (many in Israel feel is not long enough due to their "entitlement"
status) One of the hallmarks of Obamacare aka entitlements for the masses of course is for government mandate on extending maternity leave which as it stands now in the US as next to nothing.
Oh yah and drugs like celebrex which most pay well over a hundred dollars for in the U.S, Israelis pay less then a quarter of that. Just saying.
...and to clear things up. While I pay a fortune for my insurance and drugs I was a million percent against Obamacare. Having said that if "socialist" healthcare entitlements for the masses was taken away from Israel there would anarchy in the streets.
I would be thrilled if they took away the socialized health care. It costs me a fortune. In addition to paying the tax for it, I also pay for two levels of supplemental policy above it (because it's the only way to get decent care), one through the health fund and one privately. And on top of that, I pay extra for extra policies to cover things like drugs that aren't in the basket and potential surgeries overseas - God forbid - that are unlikely to be approved here.
And I'm self-employed, so it all comes out of my pocket in every sense of the word.
What most of you don't know about socialized medicine here (which, by the way, works far better than Obamacare is likely to work) is that before it came into effect in 1995, the health funds were free to turn people down for the basic care. Those who were turned down all went to Clalit (General), which is the Histadrut's Fund (the Histadrut is like the AFL-CIO and the Teamsters rolled into one). Clalit was going broke because most of the Westerners who could afford it were going to two of the competitors (Maccabbi and Meuchedet), which were more expensive and more selective. The real reason we have socialized medicine was to bail out Clalit. The result, of course, is that Maccabbi and Meuchedet are in far worse shape now than they were then, and provide far fewer services (e.g. they're now closed on Fridays).
Yes, I'd be happy if we evolved into full-fledged capitalism.
Thanks for clearing up the matter Carl.
As for what is better then Obamacare, no one really knows the full extent of Obamacare, even the idiots that voted for it.
What Americans do not understand about socialized medicine form of health care is SOMEONE HAS TO PAY FOR IT.....one way or another! The someone, being the TAX payer.
Services to the public become less and less while taxes go up higher and higher. Soon to come to the U.S the famed VAT. (just one of many ways to suck the public dry)
Look at the recent Hospital scandal in GB where hundreds of hospitals went bust because of shoddy care due to Socialized Medicine.
People just can not have it both ways. I used the maternity leave example because this is another thing Obama wants to implement. No one says that 3 weeks is long enough for a mother to return to work yet on the other hand the cost to employers to have a woman gone for 3 or more months is outrageous. Indeed in the US there are woman who have very good jobs who worked for a long time who can take that much time off but generally speaking the maternity leave situation is 3 to 4 weeks most jobs.
I will say paying near a thousand dollars a month with high deductibles is highway robbery. Ditto on prescription drugs. However what the average Joe does not understand is one way or another under socialized medicine where all of those services are indeed cheaper, you still pay. You still pay. Money does not grow on trees...meaning to fund such programs, the consumer pays in other ways and the government because they share some of the burden MUST OBLITERATE other vital services. Simple as that.
When I worked in a big law firm in New York, they gave six months off for maternity - three with pay and three without. Most of the women only took the three with pay.
The key here is that you can only do this if you're a large organization. Then, holding a job for someone is not a big deal.
But yes, for smaller organizations, it's difficult to expect them to hold someone's job. In Israel, it often happens that the woman is not rehired when the maternity leave ends. If a pregnant woman leaves your company or if a woman leaves your company within six months after giving birth, she is automatically deemed fired, which entitles her to unemployment compensation and to the employer's contribution to her pension funds (she's be entitled to her own contributions in any event) and a proportionate share of the gain in them.
But there's a price to all this government largesse - and this ought to give you some idea where Obama is headed. Yesterday was tax freedom day in the US. Look up on the tax freedom day Wikipedia entry. Our tax freedom day is in August. It's the latest in the Western world. Later than Sweden, Denmark and all the other socialist paradises.
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